On Wednesday, July 3rd 2019 Aurelius Aaron has successfully defended his dissertation, entitled “Characterizing Market Dynamics Through Behavioral Perspectives: Case of Indonesian Stock Market” and earned his doctorate with cum laude. This promotion Session was chaired by Prof. Sudrajati Ratnaningtyas, and acting as a promoter was Prof. Dr. Ir Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, DEA and the Co-Promoter was Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto, Ph.D. The examiners were Dr. Yunieta Anny Nainggolan, Dr. Manahan Siallagan from SBM ITB and Inka Brahmantyo Yusgiantoro, Ph.D from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).
Aurelius completed his doctoral degree within 2 years, making him the fastest and the youngest graduate from DSM ITB. He first joined the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM-ITB) as a master of science student in 2015, when he was selected as a double master degree student at Tokyo University of Science, Japan. After he completed his master’s degree in 2017, he then returned to SBM-ITB as a doctoral student.
Moreover, he already completed 8 academic degrees in various disciplines, such as Accounting and Finance, Information System and Engineering, Communication Science, also Industrial Administration. Because of such an achievement, he received an award from the Indonesian World Records Museum (Museum Rekor-Dunia Indonesia / MURI) as “The Youngest Achiever of 4 Masters Degree in Different Universities” (achieved at the age of 22 years old).

Additionally, he is a recipient of Erasmus+ Full Scholarship for the 2018 OPTBANK Summer School in Rome, Italy and he already published his research in high-ranked SCOPUS journals, including Research in International Business and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, International Journal of Economics and Management, Journal for Global Business Advancement.

At SBM ITB Graduation Night, 19 July 2019 that was held in Intercontinental Bandung, Dr. Aurelius Aaron received “Scholastic Achievement Award” from Dean of SBM ITB. This was awarded to the best graduate in the DSM program with special academic achievements and breakthrough results presented in their research published in International Journals. (Article about SBM ITB Graduation Night read here >)