Written by Margareth Tobing, MBA
School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) delivered 172 graduates for July 2019 graduation. There were 2 graduates from Bachelor of Management, 2 from Bachelor of Entrepreneurship, 2 from MSM, 62 from MBA Jakarta, 102 from MBA Bandung, and 1 graduate from Doctor of Science in Management program.

SBM ITB Graduation Night was held on Friday, 19 July 2019 at Intercontinental Hotel, Bandung. Similar to the previous Graduation Night, SBM ITB always presents Indonesian cultural arts performances. This time, the committee chose Sundanese culture that is characterized by attractive, dynamic and lively music and dance namely Padalatina Dance performed by Saung Angklung Udjo.
Faculty members and staffs of SBM ITB also presented Angklung group performance, as a celebration gift for the graduates who have finished their study at SBM ITB. Their performed 2(two) songs “I have a Dream” and “Tanah Airku”.
In this precious night, SBM ITB rewarded 9 best graduates who have outstanding performance during their study:
Best Young Entrepreneur Award: Priyanka Indhirasvari from MBA Jakarta with GPA 3.92. Awarded to the best graduates in the Entrepreneurship MBA in Jakarta Campus.
Inspiring Leader Award: Dicky Salim from MBA Jakarta with GPA 3.96. Awarded to the best graduates Business Leadership Executive MBA (BLEMBA) program in Jakarta Campus and selected based on the relevant managerial experience in the company.
Best In-House Leader Award: Jaka Purwanto from In-house Strategic Marketing Executive MBA (SMEMBA 2 – MarkPlus) in MBA Jakarta with GPA 3.86. Awarded to the best graduates from all In-House classes organized by MBA ITB.
Best Executive Award: Marchy Tio Pandapotan from MBA Bandung with GPA 3.92. Awarded to the best graduates in the Executive MBA ITB program.
Best In-house Award: Ali Idham from In-house Chevron Indonesia in MBA Bandung with GPA 3.92. Awarded to the best graduates from all In-House classes organized by MBA ITB.
Best Young Professional Award: Andra Wahyu Purnomo from MBA Bandung with GPA 3.94. Awarded to the best graduates in the Young Professional MBA ITB program.
Best Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship Award: Ariendra Ratu Sakina with GPA 3.89. Awarded to the best graduates in the Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship MBA program.
Outstanding Achievement Award: Lely Trianti Anggarini from MSM program with GPA 3.75. Awarded to the best graduates in the MSM program with special academic achievements and can show the results of the research presented / published in the International Journal registered in SCOPUS or the Accredited National Journal (DIKTI dan LIPI).
Scholastic Achievement Award: Aurelius Aaron from DSM program with GPA 3.9. Awarded to the best graduates in the DSM program with special academic achievements and producing breakthroughs in their research published in International Journals registered with SCOPUS. (Article about Dr. Aurelius Aaron as the fastest and youngest Doctor from SBM ITB read here >
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“Congratulations to all graduates of SBM ITB, give your best contribution for this nation, making impact for the betterment of society across nation.”, said the Dean of SBM ITB Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono.
Prof. Sudarso also handed over the graduates to an SBM ITB alumni representative, Rafi Rachmanzah (Management 2011), as a sign that graduates were specifically accepted at the SBM ITB Alumni Association and generally in the marketplace. This is the very first time for SBM ITB Alumni Association involved in the Graduation Night event and expected to continue at the next events.

The graduates were surprised by the appearance of a special guest, Anne Avantie, the famous Indonesian designer to give her inspiring speech. Avantie shared the story behind her success although in terms of education, she was not as lucky as the graduates. She worked really hard and never stop learning. “Don’t stop learning, developing yourself and always strive to be excellent. The world is awaiting your contribution.” Avantie closed her inspiring speech.