The collaboration between SBM ITB and industrial partners is continued this year. On July 2019, SBM signed MoU with 2 (two) big Indonesian companies, PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) and PT. Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE). Witnessed by Rector, Prof. Kadarsyah Suryadi, the MoU signing with PGN was held 23 July 2019 at Meeting Room A (Rapim A), ITB Rectorate Building, Bandung.
On this occasion, PT. PGN signed an MoU on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program for renovating the canteen building in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) ITB Bandung campus in Jl. Gelap Nyawang, Bandung. Meanwhile, JNE signed an MoU on CSR program for renovating the canteen building in SBM Main Building. The canteen or food court will also be used as a business lab, functioned as a co-working space for students to support the lecture process.
In his remarks, Director of PT. PGN Gigih Prakoso said that the assistance was prepared to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia and ITB in particular. He also said that PT. PGN provides scholarships for ITB students and intensive programs for final year students to study or take internship programs.
JNE President Director M. Feriadi said in a press release by ITB that the laboratory that functions as a co-working space is to support the education and learning process. Various activities can be carried out at the place both by lecturers and students, for example exhibition of product catalogs, making events, research activities, and making case studies.

“Nowadays, people use canteen as a place to work, also eat and drink. This is millennial style. Five years ago, when people ate, they finished quickly. But now eating activity can be done while working or doing something,” Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono said.
The physical construction will begin in the next three months. “Design concept is already decided,” he said.
He added, SBM ITB seeks to develop active learning methods. Students do not only learn in class. They are expected to develop their business as early as possible. Therefore, this laboratory is expected to contribute to creating entrepreneurial students.
Related to the collaboration, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the trust of PGN and JNE for choosing ITB as a partner for cooperation. “This collaboration will strengthen the direction of ITB towards Entrepreneurial University. One way to realize this is by cooperating with the industry“ concluded the Rector.