Written by Dr. N. Nurlaela Arief
School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung won an award from the Global Brand Magazine (GBM) the United Kingdom as The Best Business School in Indonesia in 2019.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, DEA, Dean of SBM ITB accompanied by Director of Bachelor of Entrepreneurship Program Dr. Akbar Adhi Utama received this award on 30 August 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
According to Prof. Sudarso, this award was very prestigious. SBM-ITB is the only business school in Indonesia winning for the third time in a row.
“We are seen as a business school that has differentiation and provides services towards the ever-expanding education sector. SBM ITB was awarded for its commitment to innovation, quality, branding and performance and providing a strong education system in Indonesia” Sudarso said during a media interview in South Africa.

This achievement complements the previous SBM ITB achievement as the only business school in Indonesia that entered the TOP 500 world class business schools by Times Higher Education (THE) 2019 on the subject of Management and Economics. Meanwhile QS, as a reputable tertiary institution, places SBM ITB in the TOP 251-300 based on data released in 2019 and the first in the subject of Management and Business in Indonesia.
SBM ITB was selected based on strict selection, from incoming candidates, selected from a very competitive group, all of whom showed services that had a humanist touch and experiential learning.
In addition to giving the best business school award in Indonesia, the Global Brand Magazine also gave awards to the world’s top business schools, including the Stanford Graduate School of Business (USA), INSEAD (France) NUS Business School (Singapore).
Hopefully, this achievement will improve the position and reputation of SBM ITB at international level and bring the good name of the Indonesian higher education worldwide.