Written by Elisabeth Sirumapea
School of Business and Management ITB is having a guest from BNI to have a joint discussion in commemoration of National Customer Day. This discussion raised the theme “BNI NONGKI Millennials (Nongkrong Interaktif) that means Interactive Hangout Millennials”. This discussion was held on Monday 2 September 2019 at SBM ITB Lounge, Jl. Ganesha No 10, Bandung
This event was attended by SBM ITB students especially final year students who will continue their lives after graduating from SBM. “We chose SBM ITB because it is a business school. The purpose of this event is to discuss together with SBM students, especially the final level, to discuss entrepreneurship, “said Juma Indra as the head of BNI regional office in Bandung.
Juma explained that BNI is ready to become a financial advisor who could provide all the needs of its customers, such as borrowing capital, product marketing, investment, and much more.
“We as financial advisors want to provide insights to students about what is owned by BNI, and their hopes after discussions like this the students already know and are ready to open new businesses. If we need capital, we need marketing, we have that competency. We are ready to become financial advisors, “Juma said.
By holding discussions like this, BNI can introduce all features that BNI has so that the expectations of the students can be fulfilled by BNI.
“Mallet Mace: Do you want me to be there” (Whatever you want, I can give it to you) said Juma while laughing.
“The event was interesting, giving us insights into banking products especially from BUMN. Earlier we heard about sharing how BNI provided a forum for umkm players, especially students who wanted to have a business. So, this event is very useful“ said Rifki as a final year student of the 2016 Entrepreneurship study program.
“Hopefully, graduates of SBM will will open businesses, not only becoming employees” said Juma.
At the end of the interview, Juma gave a story about a family which has two fathers, good and bad fathers. The good father is a father who will tell his children to go to good school, graduate with good grades, and will open a business to help people around who have not found work. Meanwhile, the bad father is a father who will tell his children to get good grades to be able to work in a good company.
“SBM is a business school so it teaches students to be entrepreneurs not to work for a company. Hopefully, SBM ITB students can create jobs in Indonesia” Juma stated.
Hopefully, what is said by Juma can be achieved by all SBM students so that they can contribute to Indonesia.

“We as financial advisors want to provide insights to students about what is owned by BNI, and their hopes after discussions like this the students already know and are ready to open new businesses. If we need capital, we need marketing, we have that competency. We are ready to become financial advisors, “Juma said.
By holding discussions like this, BNI can introduce all the features that BNI has. So that the expectations of what students need can be fulfilled by BNI.
“Mallet Mace: Do you want me to be there” (Whatever you want, I can give it to you) said Juma while laughing.
“The event was interesting, opening up our insights about what are banking products especially from BUMN. Earlier we heard about sharing how BNI provided a forum for umkm players, especially students who wanted to have a business. So this event is very useful, “said Rifki as a final year student of the 2016 Entrepreneurship study program.
“Hopefully later friends from SBM who have graduated are not employees but will open businesses,” said Juma.
At the end of the interview, Juma gave a story that in the family there are two types of fathers, good and bad fathers. A good father is a father who will tell his children to go to good school, graduate with good grades, and will open a business to help people around who have not found work. While a bad father is a father who will tell his children to get good grades to be able to work in a good company.
“SBM is a business school so it teaches students to be entrepreneurs not to work in a place of people. Ya, hopefully, SBM ITB students can create jobs in Indonesia, hoped Juma
Hopefully what is said by Juma can be achieved by all SBM students so that they can contribute to the progress of the Indonesian nation.