Written by Student Reporter (Elisabeth Sirumapea - Management 2020)
SBM ITB graduation in October 2019 is the sixteenth graduation at SBM ITB. This graduation celebrates 720 graduates of SBM ITB consisting of graduate and postgraduate students. In this graduation ceremony, there were 223 graduates with cum laude from Bachelor of Management and Entrepreneurship, Bandung MBA, Jakarta MBA, Master of Science Management, and Doctoral Science Management.
From 250 graduates, Bachelor of Management program has 116 graduates with cumlaude honors. From 67 graduates of bachelor of entrepreneurship study program, there are 23 students with cumlaude, from 265 graduates of MBA Bandung study program, there are 60 graduates with cumlaude predicate, from 111 graduates of Jakarta MBA study program, there are 50 graduates with cumlaude predicate. From 24 graduates of MSM study program, there were 4 graduates with cumlaude, and all three graduates of DSM study program obtained cumlaude title.
As graduates of a business and management school, of course, they are expected to become entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono DEA, Dean of SBM ITB, explained the SBM ITB student learning system. “One example is the Entrepreneurship study program. They are designed to be entrepreneurs and most of them already have a business prior to joining the SBM ITB greaterhub incubator program and later most of them will become entrepreneurs. “He said. “Likewise, Bandung MBA students who follow the CCE concentration, already have a business. So that SBM ITB graduates will indeed be able to become entrepreneurs “, he added when interviewed at the SBM ITB Graduation Thanksgiving Conference October 2019 period at the Dago Intercontinental Hotel, Bandung (10/17/2019).
In the face of digitalization, SBM ITB also provides services to its students by providing free training to its students to get certification from an association consisting of Wealth Management, Financial Analysis, Capital Markets, and Business Risk Management. Students only need to pay when they take the exam and the process of maintaining the certificate.

This certification training was first carried out in 2008 namely financial planning certification and most recently, this was wealth management certification. Prof. Sudarso said that one interesting thing from this certification is that if SBM ITB graduates get Wealth Management certification, the graduates can be accepted as priority internships at BRI throughout Indonesia for 6 full months and paid according to the internship salary. “When you have finished your internship, you will usually be offered immediately to become a BRI permanent employee,” he added.
In entering the digital economy, uncertainty and risk factors in the future is certainly very large. Therefore, SBM ITB students, before graduating, are equipped with the certifications described above and given courses that support technology such as Technology Base Business owned by Entrepreneurship Study Program. In addition, SBM ITB also cooperates with several study programs at ITB such as Electrical, Fine Arts, Pharmacy and SITH. In this case, SBM ITB will become the media to make a business plan from the work of study programs outside the SBM. Typically, SBM ITB will invite investors every month to listen to pitching from SBM ITB students related to their products or businesses to get funding from these investors.
In addition, SBM ITB graduates will usually get convenience when they want to get a job. For example, when the graduates are going to apply to BI, SBM graduates will automatically be accepted into stage five beyond stage one to stage four provided they meet the requirements requested by BI. This also applies to the Department of Industrial Engineering and Actuarial Mathematics.
SBM ITB workforce absorption is measured since the graduates graduated. “We are grateful that there are some SBM ITB students who have not yet graduated but have been recruited by companies and their presentations are around 3-5 percent of the total final year students,” said Prof. Sudarso. Whereas for students graduating in October, the size of those who get work after the first 3 months of graduation is 70 percent while the remainder become entrepreneurs or continue their studies. Whereas based on the treasure study survey, which is a job search study, SBM ITB students graduating in 2015 had a 17 percent presentation absorbed in the workforce. This figure is quite high when compared to America, which is only 9-10 percent.