Written by Student Reporter (Salsabila Mayang Febriana - Management 2020)

Two faculties of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan, Malaysia agreed to hold an International Joint Conference 2019. SBM ITB was appointed as the host of the event. The Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono DEA explained that IJC 2019 combines two main conferences namely the International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Technology (ICMSCT2019) and the International Conference on Governance, Management and Social Innovation (ICGMSI2019) with various abstracts from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, papers received various topics including Pure and Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Statistics Education, Big Data Analytics, Computational Science, Corporate Governance, Islamic Accounting, Marketing, Halal Management, Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation.

“This multi-level conference was held jointly to provide opportunities for researchers and practitioners from industry to share their research findings and build various research collaborations at international level,” Sudarso said at the West Hall of the ITB Campus, Bandung City, Monday (28/10) 2019) “This activity also provides added values for participants to join and share their experiences at the conference” he added.

ICMSCT2019 and ICGMSI2019 will feature speakers from Malaysia and Indonesia who will explore the topics of this conference.

 “IJC 2019 will also discuss various topics and problems, including the contribution of papers on certain themes such as mathematics, statistics, computing technology, management, governance and social innovation,” he explained.

He stated that IJC 2019 was solely for the sake of academic empowerment. “Hopefully, this will bring the potential for collaboration with more educational institutions in Asian countries to unite academics and researchers in one prestigious platform,” he said

Previously, the first IJC was initiated by four educational institutions namely Kasetsart University, Thailand, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia and the Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Philippines.

At the event, the collaboration of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippine educational institutions acted as a medium to gather researchers and academics under the same roof to exchange, share and disseminate ideas parallel with the theme “Imagining a Common Future”. 

“It is hoped that this collaboration will continue for the lifetime ever,” concluded Prof Sudarso.