IASM (Ikatan Alumni Sains Manajemen) SBM ITB took an initiative to answer the great challenge of Industry 4.0 in a Seminar and Workshop entitled “Human Capital for Industry 4.0 to Foster Innovation and Economic Growth in Indonesia.” The event was held on Friday, November 15th, 2019. The event was sponsored by JNE and Paragon. We were also being generously supported by the School of Business and Management ITB. Furthermore, German Alumni Association and Industrial Engineering ITB Alumni Association were also involved as organization partners. There, we invited speakers from various fields to share their thoughts regarding the development of human capital from various angles. The aim was to broaden the audience’s knowledge in order to generate rich discussion and potential future collaboration.

The event was divided into two sections: seminar and workshop. The event was opened by Dr. rer. Pol Achmad Fajar Hendarman as the president of IASM and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, DEA as dean of ITB School of Business and Management. There was a warm and enthusiastic feeling at the beginning of the event. Vice Rector in the department of research, innovation, and partnership Prof. Dr. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono opened the talk as a keynote speaker to give a general overview on artificial development in the implementation of Industry 4.0.
The event continued to the first panel session, presenting Dr. rer. Pol Achmad Fajar Hendarman, Ir. I Made Dana Tangkas, MSi, IPM, Dr. Souvia Rahimah, S.TP, M.Sc, and Agustinus Ayung Prasetio. Dr. Fajar presented his proposed refined model of Industry 4.0 readiness indicator for Indonesia and the comparison of Indonesia 4.0 and Japan’s Society 5.0. Ir. Made laid out the present condition of human capital in Indonesia and its development and preparation. Dr. Souvia approached the topic in the perspective of food and health, while Mr Agustinus representing JNE discussed the way to increase human capital capabilities in the emerging Industry 4.0.
The next panel touched more topics. Dr. rer. nat Arief Fahmie, S.Psi., MA.,HRM. talked about the psychology aspect of human capital development for Industry 4.0. Akhmadi Surawijaya, ST., M.Eng outlined the technology and competency challenges and his proposed solutions. Dr. Ing. Yuliadi Erdani, Dipl. EL. Ing., HTL., M.Sc explained the necessary traits and skill for Indonesia’s human capital in embracing Industry 4.0. From the perspective of law and regulation Dr.iur. Liona Nanang Supriatna, SH., M.Hum addressed the problems in Industry 4.0 for human capital.
In the next session, the audience was invited to join focus group discussions. The audience was divided into four groups and each group concentrated on specific topics related to human capital problems. The focus group discussion topics include:
- Accounting, Finance, and Insurance,
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Food, Water Supply, Manufacture, dan Environment,
- Culture, Entertainment, dan Recreation,
- ICT dan Education Services.

Results from each discussion were written simultaneously and compiled through cloud to be presented at the end of the event. The day was densely packed with activities but also enthusiasm from everyone involved. The event was closed with a warm scenery initiated by JNE. They contributed a step ahead by donating to the orphans. We captured a warm photo together with the children as a token to remember.
This event is the beginning of the continuous effort by IASM to address serious issues in order to bring Indonesia forward in the global competition. By inviting prominent figures to open important discussions, we hope to generate collaborations and meaningful relationships to work hand-in-hand to make a better Indonesia. See you in the next event!