Written by Student Reporter, Elisabeth Sirumapea (Management 2020)
Athalia Mutiara Laksmi is an SBM ITB student majoring in Entrepreneurship from batch 2020. Athalia, who is often called Atha, was born in Sidoarjo, May 15, 199. Currently, she is an inspirational student due to her achievements as CEO of Hear Me Company. Hear Me is an application that aims to facilitate communication between listeners and deaf friends. Hear Me was founded by 4 SBM ITB students majoring in Entrepreneurship namely Athalathalia Mutiara Laksmi, Safirah Nur Shabrina, Octiafani Isna Ariani, and Nadya Sahara Putri. Because of her credibility, Atha is trusted by her friends to become CEO of Hear Me.

As a CEO, Atha shared a bit of her experience in carrying out her duties. “This is really a lot, first, of course, you must always be able to set the timeline and job desks of each member, you must always prepare targets and achievements from Hear Me and each division, then every time there are many cases, you should always be able to set the time and mood of each member,” she told to one of the SBM ITB Reporters.
Atha added that although she was tired and sometimes lazy, she often put aside those feelings and encouraged her members so they would not be lazy to keep working and encourage members to balance school time between taking care of Hear Me and when studying. “I have a lot to learn so I can lead well too and must always be able to listen to the advice and complaints from members,” she said.
“My goal is to be an entrepreneur, but actually I want it to be working in Fnb company but because of SBM encourage the students to make the digital business, so we make me Hear Me, and as time goes by I finally became interested in technology,” Atha said when asked what his goals were.
As an Entrepreneurship student, Atha also learned a lot from her major in carrying out Hear Me, which is the stage from the beginning, namely state problem statements, market research, validation, value propositions, market testing, to commercialization, and analysis of competitors, and business models. Hear Me also a part of tenant in SBM ITB Business Incubator, The Greater Hub. “There is a lot that is applied from lectures, which is sure to prepare so that products can be accepted before commercialization in the public,” Atha said.
As CEO, Atha and her team certainly brought Hear Me to the competition both at the National and International level. “The reason for joining the competition is because there is a need to find capital for business, add relationships, add experience until finally if for example, this business is successful we can help others and solve problems from our problem statements, “Atha said.
Atha advised other SBM students to continue to develop their business enthusiasm, fight for and do what they like to run it more enthusiastically, and try to build a business that can solve problems at least in the environment around you, don’t be afraid of failing to keep innovating. “Being an entrepreneur let alone building a startup is indeed difficult and many falls, the most important thing is how strong and strong we can make it rise again from that failure,” she added.
Atha hopes that she will be able to commit and be able to truly lead the team well and develop hear me until success and hopefully can continue to help others and benefit everyone.

Hopefully, Atha’s hopes can be achieved, Hear Me can be a solution for listeners and deaf friends to communicate, and there will be many other Atha in this beloved Indonesia.
More news about Athalia and Hear Me in media:
- https://en.tempo.co/read/1274355/itb-students-hear-me-app-converts-sign-language-into-audio
- https://jabar.antaranews.com/berita/122015/hearme-aplikasi-alat-bantu-dengar-karya-mahasiswa-sbm-itb
- https://m.ayobandung.com/read/2019/11/27/71371/hear-me-aplikasi-alat-bantu-dengar-buatan-mahasiswa-itb
- https://titiknol.co.id/gaya-hidup/bantu-komunikasi-difabel-tuli-mahasiswa-itb-buat-aplikasi-hear-me/
- http://adakata.net/2019/11/ada-alat-tunarungu-bikinan-mahasiswi-itb/
- https://www.javanews.tv/read/8258/mahasiswa-sbm-itb-berhasil-kembangkan-aplikasi-alat-bantu-dengar