Written by Dyo Theresia Tampubolon
On December 12th, 2019, JNE and SBM ITB officially opened SBM ITB Business Lab. The business lab is part of the collaboration between these two companies which has been agreed upon since last July.
The inauguration ceremony of SBM ITB Business Lab was attended by many participants consisting of the employees, JNE’s management team, and the Media. This Ceremony was opened by a performance delivered by Saung Angklung Udjo which was then followed by the singing of Indonesia’s national anthem by all attendees. On this occasion, JNE also handed a donation for 29 orphans from Yatim Mandiri Orphanage Bandung. The donation was given as part of JNE’s 29th anniversary.
As a symbolic ceremony, President Director of JNE, M. Feriadi; ITB Vice-chancellor, Prof. Ir. Bermawi Proyatna Iskandar, M.Sc., Ph.D.; and SBM ITB Dean, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, DEA together opened the slipcover of the business Lab monument before the guests.

The opening of SBM ITB Business Lab is part of the JNE Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program and JNE’s active role to support the education of Indonesia in hope to contribute to the making of brighter young generation as stated by JNE President Director, M. Feriadi. He also shared the idea behind the creation of the business lab, “Industry 4.0 opens a wider opportunity for businesses to grow. With the lab, we can conduct studies and analysis in no limit.”
SBM ITB Dean, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, DEA, hopes this lab can be a comfortable place to discuss and brainstorm everything about business. SBM ITB Business Lab is open not only for SBM academia but also for ITB in general. “The concept is we can do not only research, but also deep discussions about business. Any lesson or theory from any lecture can be discussed thoroughly in a comfortable atmosphere” He added.
The business lab was built with complete facilities to develop college education such as internship, event making, research, case study, or even discussion about business plan in 208 m2 building area. SBM ITB Business Lab can accommodate up to 150 people and is also equipped with high-speed internet connection, communal space, adequate charging plugs, business showcase, stage, and multifunctional wall. This facility is expected to support learning activities and increase students’ participation in entrepreneurship. As a working space, SBM ITB Business Lab planned to open for 24 hours to give full access to students for developing their business ideas.

Prof. Ir. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar, M.Sc., Ph.D. who also participated in this event said, “Business lab is a comfortable and perfect working space for developing SBM and ITB entrepreneurship.” He added, “the lessons gained from classes will be very useful in business development.”
The collaboration between JNE and ITB Business School and Management had been made official since July 2019 through a signed contract. One of the programs is JNE supporting infrastructure development of SBM ITB Business Lab. Aside from SBM ITB, JNE will also collaborate with other parties to build education facilities in the east of Indonesia.
More articles in media:
- https://www.inilahkoran.com/berita/35073/cetak-entrepreneur-masa-depan-jne-dan-sbm-itb-bangun-business-lab
- https://www.beritabaik.id/read?editorialSlug=indonesia-baik&slug=1576206198380-intip-lab-bisnis-sbm-itb-yang-fasilitasnya-persis-coworking-space
- https://www.google.com/amp/s/jabar.tribunnews.com/amp/2019/12/12/bangun-business-lab-jne-dan-sbm-itb-berkomitmen-cetak-entrepreneur-masa-depan
- https://m.wartaekonomi.co.id/berita261300/bussiness-lab-sbm-itb-wadah-kreatif-entrepreneur-muda.html
- https://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/ekonomi/pr-01325564/business-lab-baru-di-itb-menunjang-pembelajaran-mahasiswa-dan-calon-entrepreneur
- https://bandung.bisnis.com/read/20191212/550/1180793/jne-dan-sbm-itb-operasikan-business-lab-cetak-para-entrepreneur-masa-depan
- https://www.antaranews.com/berita/1205867/jne-sbm-itb-bangun-laboratorium-bisnis-cetak-entrepreneur-masa-depan