A total of 496 MBA ITB students attended pre-lecture activities held in two venues, Bandung MBA at the Auditorium of the Freeport ITB Building, and Jakarta MBA at Intercontinental Hotel, Bandung (01/09/2020).
The activity was attended by all SBM ITB vice deans along with the director and deputy director of the MBA program in both Bandung and Jakarta.
The activity for the Bandung MBA was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Sarjono Utomo Putro. Utomo, who introduced the vision and mission of SBM ITB. “We educate students to be innovative and to have an entrepreneurial mindset, those who are brave to take risks, and collaborate.”

Utomo also described the conditions experienced by SBM ITB graduates. From the latest SBM ITB data, 58.9 percent of the SBM ITB graduates get a job in less than one month.
Then, the Director of Bandung MBA Program, Dr. Subiakto Soekarno, gave a briefing before the start of the class in January 2020.
“These new MBA students come from various regions such as Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. In addition to ordinary students, there are executive students from various large companies such as Badak NLG, Primacoal East Kalimantan, Bio Farma and Batam Polytechnic as well as several well-known companies, “said MBA Bandung Director, Subiakto Soekarno.
In the briefing, Subiakto explained that there were six learning objectives expected from MBA ITB students, which are integrative thinking, teamwork, communication skills, ethical responsibility, leadership, and global awareness.
“Students in the future will be directed to be the top management of the company where they work or the company they own. Some alumni have an initiative to build startups that have a social impact (social entrepreneurship). The millennials’ interest is to become a social entrepreneur, giving impact to the wider community besides getting economic benefits for the startups “added Subiakto”
Meanwhile, the Jakarta MBA activity was attended by Vice Dean for Resources, Prof. Aurik Gustomo who gave a remark to Jakarta MBA students. It was then followed by briefing on active learning, and learning through cases by the Director of the Jakarta MBA, Yos Sunitiyoso Ph. D, and Deputy Director Yudo Anggoro Ph. D.