Written by Student Reporter, Elisabeth Sirumapea (Management 2020)
Three SBM ITB students won 2nd place at the Marfest (Marketing Festival) for Business Case 2020 on February 5, 2020, at STIE Perbanas, Surabaya. The team named VITUSA consisted of Evita Sonny, Salsabila Mayang Febriana, and Tutur Riama Maruliana Sianturi, all of whom were 2020 Management students.
“The reason for joining the competition is simple, we want to add experience and want to challenge ourselves too. In short, we want to measure our ability to compete with other universities. “, Evita said.

During the competition, the VITUSA team prepared everything well.
“To be sure we have a lot of discussions. Because the first stage was from December-January, we were forced to spend a little of our time off to discuss the case solution. But we are very happy to be able to participate in this competition because we can exchange ideas, not only internally the three of us as a team, but also the same experts who are judges in this competition.”, said Salsabila.
In this race, the case given to the participants is to raise the problems experienced by PT. JePe Press Media Utama or better known as JP BOOKS that consist of:
- JP Books for 17 years still publishes educational books or novels. How is JP Books done so that it does not only publish books education or novel? What strategies should be taken?
- With the rapid development of technology, JP Books has several still using traditional printing as in the form of hard files so what should JP Books do well in the future?
- What business expansion options are appropriate for JP Books to do:
- Online Test Guidance (Teacher’s Room)
- Book exhibition
- Books like e-book paper
- Increase branches throughout Indonesia
Thanks to their idea entitled effective collaboration in production and marketing of audio and videobook in an effort to increase the competitiveness of JP Books as an innovative book publisher, the Vitusa team finally won second place.