Closing Date: 31 August 2020 – 5.00 pm (GMT +7)

School of Business and Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) provides first opportunity for Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in 2021 to support the Schools commitment to be a research intensive school. The scheme is highly competitive and becoming the pioneer in Indonesia.  Prospective Fellows must be able to demonstrate an exceptionally strong record of research according to the opportunity.

  • Fellows will be expected to commence appointment between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021.
  • Fellows are encouraged to participate fully into the activities and academic life of the School (teaching and research).
  • Fellows are encouraged to publish two papers in International Journal (indexed by ISI Thompson and/or Scopus).
  • Fellows will get monthly competitive salary, health insurance and accomodation during the contract of appointment.
  • Research support per research proposal will be provided in the second semester.
  • The qualified applicants have been awarded a PhD from reputable University after 1 January 2018 but before 31 December 2020.
  • The qualified applicants must have minimum two peer-reviewed journals (indexed by ISI and/or Scopus) during the last two years.
  • The qualified applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.50 (from 4.00 scale).
  • The applicants must have a Letter of Permission from direct superior (if the applicants are an employee/lecturer at certain institution).
  • The applicants are required to contact the relevant SBM’s interest group to get approval of research agenda.
  • Demonstrated effective interpersonal, English skills both oral and written communication, with emphasis on the ability to teach, present and communicate research outcomes.

The complete applications must consist of the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Certificate and Academic Transcript;
  • Full list of the latest four years publications and other research outputs with appropriate evidence;
  • Correctly completed and signed certification form confirming approval from the relevant SBM’s interest group;
  • Correctly submit the Letter of Permission from direct superior.

Your application must be completed and submitted before the submission deadline. Applicants will be informed of the result by 30 September 2020.

  • SBM ITB will review all applications to ensure eligibility and compliance with the application process.
  • Compliant applications will be submitted to the Fellowships Selection Panel in each Interest Area.
  • Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be considered.
  • Your application will be reviewed by the Fellowship Selection Panel to determine whether an interview will be offered. The Fellowships Selection Panel will be chaired by the Head of Interest Group. All short-listed applicants will be requested to attend an interview with the Fellowship Selection Panel. The Fellowship Selection Panel will make recommendations for final decision to the Dean.