Written by DR. N. Nurlaela Arif
“Indonesia has tremendous potential, mostly because we have a big productive age, but are we productive? we determine whether it will make or break”, said Annisa Faisal while giving lecture material on February 20th, 2020 at “IBI Goes to Campus”.In this event, the School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ikatan Bankir Indonesia (IBI) as an effort to help the government improving human resources quality.
According to Prof. Sudarso K. Wiryono,” This collaboration covers Banking Profession Certification Programme including General Banking, Risk Management, Credit, Treasury, etc. adjusted to Ministry of Education and Culture program which advocates expertise certification for the banking profession. “Aside from that, this collaboration is done to improve Banking Literation and Education in SBM ITB; also banking study and Research and development”, He added.
Sudarso states that this Memorandum of Understanding will also focus on Small and Medium Enterprises, Village-owned Business Entity, Financial Technology, and Digitalization. While especially for both parties, there is agreement on an internship program that gives benefits both for Bank and SBM ITB especially its students.

Meanwhile, Sasmita, the Executive Director of IBI explained,” IBI is one and only banker association Indonesia which has a vision of being a banker professional institution that fruitful for its members through professional development to encourage healthy banking activities and building a strong national economy. To make it real, IBI isn’t only run activities in the banking environment, but also try to involve universities in the context of financial literacy and inclusion.”
Attended at the roadshow: Representatives from the West Java Regional of OJK, Banten regional of BJB Bank, Regional Office of Mandiri Bank, and of course attended by SBM ITB students.
More articles in media:
- https://pasjabar.com/ibi-tandatangi-mou-bersama-sbm-itb-dalam-program-ibi-goes-to-campus/
- https://republika.co.id/berita/q5zrt6380/sbm-itb-gandeng-ibi-jawab-tantangan-industri-perbankan
- https://www.ayobandung.com/view/2020/02/20/80141
- https://www.inilahkoran.com/berita/43091/foto-mou-antara-sbm-itb-dengan-ibi
- https://beredukasi.com/2020/02/20/tingkatkan-kualitas-sdm-ibi-menandatangani-mou-bersama-sbm-itb/
- https://www.tribunnews.com/images/regional/view/1834273/mou-sekolah-bisnis-manajemen-itb-dan-ikatan-bankir-indonesia