Written by Student Reporter, Evita Sonny (Management 2020)
Bachelor Degree in Management had held a parents’ meeting for International Business Class of 2022 on the last Friday, 14 February 2020 in Nemangkawi Auditorium. This meeting was made regularly to make parents know exactly what their children would go through in these three years of study.
This parents’ meeting then firstly greeted by SBM ITB Dean, Prof. Dr. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono. And directly continued with material presentation by The Head of Bachelor of Management Program, Ira Fachira, Ph.D
In the first two semesters of the program, International Business students must take and pass the Collective Preparation Stage (TPB). In this case, students have to pass all courses in this stage within two years (minimum grade is D), otherwise they have to resign from SBM ITB or automatically be declared as a drop-out.
Unlike TPB Stage, the minimum passed grade for bachelor stage is C. And after two years fostering knowledge at SBM ITB, the international business students will continue to study abroad, either on double degree or double exchange. In a double degree program, the students would not only get a bachelor degree from SBM ITB, but also degree from the partner university. There are actually so many prestigious partner universities which have cooperation with SBM ITB. They are Hull University Business School in the United Kingdom, Rennes School of Business in France, IÉSEG School of Management in France, University of Groningen in Netherlands, and ESB Business School Reutlingen University in Germany. Every partner university is having their own qualifications and requirements.
For a double exchange program, students will also have one year experience study abroad, but they would not receive any degree from that partner university. There are also so many partner universities options. They are:
- University of Queensland
- Alpen Adria University
- Ghent University
- Aalborg University
- University of Southern Denmark
- Rennes School of Business
- ESCA School of Management
- Groupe Kedge Business School
- IÉSEG School of Management
- Reutlingen University of Applied Research
- Pforzheim University of Applied Research
The Netherlands
- University of Groningen
- University of Amsterdam
- Vrije University of Amsterdam
- University of Twente
- Radbound University
- Zurich University of Applied Sciences
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
- Lund University
- IE Business School, Madrid
The UK
- Birmingham City University
- National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
- Boston University
- University Putra Malaysia
- University Kebangsaan Malaysia
- Ritsumeikan University
- Yamaguchi University
- Kochi Institute of Technology
South Korea
- University of Seoul
- Sungkyunkwan University SKK Business School
- Solbridge International School of Business
Brunei Darussalam
- Universiti Brunei Darussalam
In allowing their children to go study abroad, the parents do not need to worry since SBM also has collaboration with the counselor representative partner. SBM ITB International Relation and Management Study Program also would delightly facilitate the students as best as they can.