SBM ITB’s Committee of Dean Election has been concluded a Q&A session of Dean Election 2020, Saturday, April 11th, 2020. Due to Corona-virus outbreak, the session had to be undertaken online. Nevertheless, it did not prevent the nominees and participants from having an enthusiastic and heated session. Session that has been planned for two hours lasted three hours!
Prof. Aurik Gustomo (AG), Prof. Dermawan Wibisono (DWB), Dr. Dwi Larso (DL), Prof. Sudradjati Ratnaningtyas (SRA) and Prof. Utomo S. Putro (USP), as the nominees of the Dean pre-candidates (Bakal Calon Dekan/BCD), putting forward their views, vision, programs and plans responding to current and future challenges posed by the attendees of the session. More than 60 participants consisting of faculty members and academic staffs attended the Webex-training Q&A session to witness the five nominees answering the concerns and issues of the school in the next four years.

Before the Q&A session, the Committee listed nine nominee-candidates, selected from the SBM-ITB faculty members who administratively fulfill the requirements determined by ITB Rector. Those nine nominee-candidates was shortlisted to five nominees after four of them were withdrawn themselves for different reasons. The list of the five nominees with their position papers and profile videos can be looked at
This Q&A session, that can be considered as a campaign – albeit online –, is part of the SBM ITB dean election process which will be followed by a popular vote by SBM ITB’s faculty members at 13th and 14th of April, 2020. The voting result will subsequently go to the Senate of the School to decide three Dean Candidates (Calon Dekan/CD) scheduled at April 20 – 21, 2020. The Senate will then submit three names of SBM ITB’s Dean Candidates to the ITB Rector for the decision at April 24. According to the timeline in the appendix of the Rector Decree No. 114/SK/IT1.A/2020 dated March 3, 2020, the new SBM-ITB Dean will be decided at 27th – 30th of April, 2020. Let us hope for the best of SBM ITB new Dean for the period of 2020 – 2024!
Committee of SBM-ITB Dean Election 2020