Written by Media Relations SBM ITB
Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro officially became the Dean of the School of Business Management (SBM) ITB for the period 2020-2024, replacing Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono who finished his duty on 01 June 2020. Earlier on Tuesday, 19 May 2020, the announcement of new Deans and message from the previous Deans formation was held internally.
In accordance with ITB Chancellor’s Decree on May 18, 2020, Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro was appointed as the Dean of SBM ITB for the period 2020-2024. In addition, according to the Chancellor’s decision on the Deputy Dean referring to the Rector’s Decree on May 27, 2020, Prof. Aurik Gustomo is appointed as the Vice Dean for Academic and Reza Ashari Nasution, Ph.D is appointed as the Vice Dean for Resources. The inauguration ceremony of the three is held on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at the West Hall of ITB.
Prof. Utomo invite all staff and faculties together to advance SBM ITB. Especially facing new normal conditions, where there are changes or adjusment in both the behavior and teaching methods of lecturers, including the leadership style.
“I want to continue the legacy from Prof. Sudarso and of course pursue the transformation of SBM ITB to the “next level” by doing innovations facing the challenges ahead. This requires the cooperation of all parties,” he said. Utomo added, the Dean room will be open to anyone, both faculties and staff. Anyone who have ideas is invited. “I am entrusted as the Dean, but we all have an important role for the progress of SBM, we all work for SBM,” he said optimistically.
Meanwhile, the former Dean, Prof. Sudarso expressed his apologies and thanked all his colleagues who for the past 10 years corporate together and had advanced SBM ITB to a higher stage. Prof. Sudarso shared that his ideal dream is to make SBM ITB as an advanced business school and could become a reference for other business school or faculties in Indonesia.