In the midst of crisis, there are companies that have survived and are preparing to enter the new normal era. Among them are Blue Bird, Air Asia and JNE. The three companies shared their struggles during the pandemic and are preparing to enter a new normal era in the “Returning the Business in the New Normal Situation” Webinar held by SBM ITB, Saturday (06/13/2020).
Blue Bird CEO Noni Purnomo admitted his business was disrupted during the pandemic. But he can survive by retaining 40,000 employees. He continued to provide holiday allowances (THR) to scholarships for the employees’ children. “The company is indeed more difficult, but many are more difficult,” said Noni.

Blue Bird, continued Noni, has a very strong and conservative balance sheet in managing cash flow so that it still survives until now. In addition, Blue Bird still survives because of good relations with various parties and cooperation that has been established. To prepare for the business to come, Blue Bird prepared a variety of strategies. Starting from optimizing the new digital business. For example optimizing EDC payments, QR codes, e-vouchers, to shipping goods by minimizing interaction with consumers.
“So, we take goods that are already in the box, so our driver does not hold the product,” she said. Then, guarantee cleanliness. Blue Bird goes and goes directly to the pool, so the cleanliness is more controlled. “Cleanliness is a new currency. We examine the driver’s health, fleet sterilization, hand sanitizer, car distance, and others, ” she said. In addition, collaboration with various parties.
Companies must move quickly but are limited in resources. For that, they must find a partner who can move together at low cost. Another step is to create a new segment. Starting from the experience of e-mobility, Blue Bird logistics, logistics, car auctions, and others.
Airasia Indonesia’s CEO Veranita Yosephine said the impact of the corona virus pandemic was large on the aviation business. It is different from the previous crisis like in 2008 which did not really affect the domestic market. “In April 2020 we decided to hibernate. I was left wondering, my decision was right, because other airlines were still flying, ” she said. However, the decision was correct. Currently it is preparing various strategies in dealing with new normal. Including boosting new business in the form of passenger charters, cargo charters and special logistics movements.

Actually, the business has been around for a long time. But it was not a priority because previously Airasia had focused on regular flights. “There are definitely passenger volume restrictions. At the moment, what needs to be improved is to restore the customer’s confidence to fly, ” she said.
JNE Vice President of Marketing, Eri Palgunadi admitted, his company had been preparing for corona since December 2019. At that time, his company got the news that what happened with logistics in Wuhan would spread. “January we are ready. Imported goods began to slow down from China,” he said. A few months later, Corona entered Indonesia. There is a change in habits in the community. February-March, drug and mask shipments surged. Then in April shipments of frozen food increased. Delivery hours have also changed. If in the past many shipments were made Monday-Wednesday, now at the weekend. “It used to be that people looked at items on weekday, then weekends checking at traditional markets. Just made a payment. But now it has changed, there is no market check. For payments, people are forced to cashless,” he said.
During the pandemic, the logistics business certainly faced challenges. Starting from the geographical Indonesia, the limited fleet, and some regions apply lockdown. For example, many hand sanitizers are delivered. Because it contains alcohol, can not send by plane.
The Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro, revealed that companies that survived the Covid-19 pandemic must immediately make adjustments quickly and accurately between business and the environment. The main focus is on the role of corporate leaders in the coming era, seeking solutions together with stakeholders, innovation, and others.
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