During 3 months ITB Rector decision to lockdown the campuses, SBM ITB is being monitored by SBM ITB COVID-19 Task Force Team. The team was established on the basis of SBM Dean Decree No. 148 / I1.C12 / SK / LL dated March 23, 2020 concerning the Corona Virus Disease Mitigation Unit (Covid-19) in SBM ITB environment.
Duties and responsibilities of the COVID-19 Task Force Team are:
1. Monitor, communicate, evaluate and report on the progress of the spread of Covid-19 within SBM ITB;
2. Ensuring the implementation of online lectures;
3. Helping communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Therefore, the COVID-19 Task Force Team has reported the activities during the first they were established until now.
Monitoring of the students’ health condition of students is coordinated by the Vice Dean for Resources and the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at SBM ITB in collaboration with the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study Programs and the trustees at SBM ITB through Whatsapp Group.
Monitoring is carried out for all SBM students, including those who are taking student exchange programs (student exchange), double degree program who stay across Europe at that time.
Monitoring also for foreign students who are studying at SBM. The results of this monitoring showed there were 2 students who were COVID-19 positive, some students were COVID-19 suspects. No wider interaction was found with the SBM and ITB environment after the students detected positive.
Furthermore, the Task Force Team provides guidelines for self-isolation, and information that the students need to know.
Hardware Facilities, Platform Facilities: Paid Webex, Workshop or training for lecturers to be able to expedite the process of online lecture activities.
Hardware Facilities, Platform Facilities: Paid Webex, Internet Quota Allowance referring to the Dean of ITB SBM Dean No. 152 / I1.C12 / SK / KU / 2020 dated 26 March 2020 concerning Internet Quota Assistance for Bidikmisi Students and Recipients of 100% Single Tuition Subsidy (UKT) of SBM ITB, which is a maximum package of 35GB per month. This support is given to 130 students of Management Study Program and Bachelor of Entrepreneurship.
Logistics Assistance, Donation Fund Assistance
The Task Force team also monitors the health conditions of lecturers and education personnel.
SBM ITB concern for the people who impacted by the Corona pandemic which caused its business turnover to drop dramatically, even to stop / suffer losses where the process of identifying and channeling these donations through SBM employees’ recommendations.