Practitioners and academics from five countries attended International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM) 2020 that being held by Sekolah Bisnis Manajemen Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) virtually on 3-5 August 2020.
The Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro, said this conference presenting various speakers from many countries. Including the best practitioners and academics from Indonesia.
“It also attended by 200 attendees from Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia,” said Utomo in his opening speech on ICMEM 2020, Monday.

Vice President of Samsung Research Indonesia, Alfred Boediman, who became the main speaker of this event, talked about chances, the career of researchers in academics, and the industries sector, including how to face the pandemic. “In this opportunity, we must move fast, flexible, and dynamic to adapt to this pandemic situation,” said Alfred.
“There still many chances for researcher graduates. For example, research and cooperation on data intelligence area. Likes analytics domain on sales area and marketing, logistics, people analytics, and even the educator team that wanted to enhance their competencies. “The most important thing for developing a career is to find chemistry among jobs. Indonesia is a big country and a big market. Indonesia also has a massive human resource, so it also has a big chance,” said Alfred.
The fifth ICMEM raised the theme of “Sustainable Development: Orchestrating Business to Respond to Society’s Latest Challenges.”
Meanwhile, Andika Putra Pratama, head of the committee of ICMEM, added, “In these three days, we are going to discuss development and preservation that sustainable, how academics, college students, and industries contribute on orchestrating business in their capability.”

The event opened by the principal of ITB, Prof Reini Wirahadikusumah, and the dean of SBM ITB, Prof Utomo Sarjono Putro, was also held with another activity, that is International Graduates Colloquium (IGC) and SBM ITB SwissInnovation Challenge in corporation with other top universities, UMT, FHNW, and SALT Network.
On the first day, there are several topics presented. Those topics are Talent Scouting section from three Indonesia’s industries, Unilever Indonesia, Star Energy Geothermal, and Merck Life Sciences.
They discussed talent management, especially for a young worker or young professional, employee development from scratch, and practice of value internalization in companies.
In the evening, ICMEM presented Tri Mumpuni, Director of Institut Bisnis dan Ekonomi Kerakyatan (IBEKA), and Professor Knust Hinkelmann from FHNW Swiss that were talking about Sustainable Human Capital.