Written by Student Reporter (Hutahaean Andina Putri Melinda Gamaliel, Management 2021)
“The reason why Key Metric and OKR are important because it could make all the objectives and goals clearer, not only individual goals but also organizational goals. The OKR is also related to the financial aspect, which makes the company has a clear target to get a revenue,” said Director of The Greater Hub, Dr. Dina Dellyana on The Greater Hub Incubation Session #5 held on Wednesday (9/9/2020). With the title is “Key Metric and OKR”, this workshop was successfully attended by 30 start-up companies.

Objective Key Result (OKR), as Dina added, remained as an important tool that start-ups must implement in the business process. She went to discuss on how the OKR as an idea that the company must have implemented to engage the investors.
According to her, the start-ups could begin with creating North Star Metric by relying on the business vision and mission as the main objective. “Then, the company will create several metrics that support each other to achieve the main objectives,” told Dina. Moreover, she stated that the OKR could be implemented maximally if the company always did frequent meetings to review OKR. In this reviewing process, Dina mentioned, the company could easily track the progress as well as problems emerged in the business process. “So, with OKR the company also could create the best solution to solve the problem,” said the HMGNC musician.

At the end of the 5th workshop session, Dina demonstrated how to create the OKR to all the participants as below.

A brief on The Greater Hub (www.thegreaterhub.id). It is a multi-platform business development promoting innovation, venture creation, and assisting the small businesses across SBM ITB community with comprehensive model of entrepreneurship. In its 4-year of operation, The Greater Hub has held nine batches of business incubation programs for many startup companies. This program includes providing workshop to equip start-up businesses with an understanding on their business objective to determine a clear direction.