There are 571 teams from 135 universities involved in Kompetensi Mahasiswa Nasional Bidang Ilmu Bisnis Manajemen dan Keuangan (KBMK) by the National Achievement Center with Bandung Institute of Technology. The pandemic of Covid-19 that makes these events must be held online cannot undermine the students’ enthusiasm to compete and develop themselves. With the theme “Preparing Community Governance 5.0 and Empowering Demographic Bonuses with Real Contribution of Business, Management, and Finance to, Achieving the World Sustainable Development Goals within the Republic of Indonesia’s Framework State,” this competition held on 26-27 September 2020.
This year, the competition was divided into six different types:
- Research and Technology Commercialization Competition
- Management and Operations Business Case Analysis Competition
- Investigative Audit Finance Competition
- Investment Research Competition
- Scientific Essay Writing Competition
- Business Planning Competition with SDG aspects
This competition was also divided into four stages: registration, proposal evaluation, which then left 80 teams for the national semifinal and final round.
On the semifinal (16/09/2020) and Grand final (27/09/2020), different tree judges consisting of academics, practitioners, representatives of professional associations, and representatives from the government assess each participant from each category.

Here is a national best KBMK 2020 for each category:
- Research and Technology Commercialization Competition: 1) EBRON-C TEAM (ITB), 2) CBR Robot (ITB), 3) KerabaTani DEV_UM (UM)
- Management and Operations Business Case Analysis Competition: 1) Nefertiti (ITB), 2) Baruna-PPNS (PPNS), 3) Agrilog (IPB)
- Financial Audit Investigative Competition: 1) WTP (UGM), 2) Chicken Force (Institut Keuangan Perbankan dan Informatika Asia Perbanas), 3) Piero De Medici (UI)
- Investigative Research Competition: 1) AQM Capital (UI), 2) Versus Capital (UGM), 3) Team Mugiwara (ITB)
- Scientific Writing Competition: 1) Merci (IPB), 2) Future Boss Team (ITS), 3) Pejuang Wisata (IPB)
- Business Planning Competition with SDG aspects: 1) Erbron-C (IPB), 2) Versus Capital (Universitas Gadjah Mada), 3) Team Mugiwara (ITB)
As a closing ceremony, the Head of the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education and Culture, Mr. Asep Sukmayadi, advises students in Indonesia to keep innovating and always creative even in destructive pandemics of Covid-19 today. He then said, “Don’t let laziness beat spirit to create breakthroughs and still reach your goals.”
Kompetisi Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Bisnis Manajemen dan Keuangan (KBMK) is held to spark the motivations and spirit of students all over Indonesia always to explore potential through positive activities. Through this competition, the government hopes that students will continue to be enthusiastic about learning and achieving even have to stay at home.