Written by Student Reporter (Andina Hutahaean, Management 2021)
Info Brand together with TRAS N CO held an annual awarding event named the Indonesia Digital Popular Brand Award (IDPBA) on Thursday (27/10/2020). The award is a prestigious recognition for brands in Indonesia that have successfully built popularity through digital media (internet).
“With this achievement, we are ready to enrich the life of the nation. Thank you,” said the Director of MBA ITB, Dr. Subiakto Sukarno.
MBA ITB was awarded in a higher education category highlighting magister management program in Indonesia by following these criteria: (1) The most reviewed program with more than 10.000 Google pages appears in the search engine, social media, and website, (2) Ranked in the top ten for higher education category.

Began with a webinar to discuss digital branding in the new normal, CEO TRAS N CO Indonesia, Tri Raharjo said that the COVID-19 pandemic had created new habits in all aspects of human life. “This situation forces us to communicate and work via an online platform. It has already impacted the business worldwide, including in the marketing aspect,” told the CEO.
According to Tri, the world now changed. “Everyone has already been compromised with doing their activities from home via digital such as working, schooling, shopping, and so on. Consumer behavior has changed. It could be said now you have successfully performed digital marketing if your brand has popularity in the search engine history on the internet,” he added.
“As a marketer today, you can easily attract your customers by online activities such as bazaar, webinars, concerts and other online events. If your customers like, they will click and surf further. The more they search your brand on the net, your brand will become more and more popular,” as Tri concluded.