The state-owned electricity company (PLN) is transforming rapidly. Digitalization played a crucial role in accelerating and improving the quality service of PLN, to transform, forcing the company to shift from traditional approaches to leverage the digital approach and implement green energy.
Deputy President Director of PT PLN Darmawan Prasodjo shared about PLN transformation to the students of Executive MBA in Energy Management, Jakarta campus through a guest lecture session. “PLN is in the middle of transformation with the tagline: power beyond the generation,” he said on Saturday (6/3/2021).
He added that PLN has a strong commitment to transform, by establishing a Chief Transformation Officer (CTO) with the responsibility of making the day-to-day decisions and implementing the transformation. PLN expects the CTO can drive the company forward and inspire employees to act whatever necessary for changes.
Darmawan revealed that in 2024 PLN has a goal which is to become the electricity champion of South-East Asia. To pursue the goal, PLN is going to perform an energy transition by scaling-up the use of renewable energy rapidly and efficiently. Furthermore, the company tries to implement providing lean, reliable, and least-cost electricity to homes, businesses, and industries. Through innovation in business models and services, he hoped that it could stimulate growth for the company.
As the main stakeholder, Darmawan was firm about customer-focused services. He said that customers should be served with world-class quality and services. To do so, he introduced PLN mobile to the audience that can help customers to file complaints or order services. “Through PLN mobile to engage with the customers,” he said.
There are lots of benefits of PLN mobile. He argued that it can help PLN to engage with the customers and provide world-class customer services and personalized experiences. From 2021 to 2022, he expected that the platform can digitalize services that shift from traditional inbound service into proactive on-app service models. And lastly, it can become a super app that boosts revenue through the offering of products and services beyond utility.

Furthermore, Darmawan also explained the commitment of PLN to support electric vehicles. He showed data revealing that Indonesia’s oil consumption is higher than production. Just in 2020, Indonesia consumed 1.3 million barrels of oil but the production was only 750 thousand barrels. The good news is coming from PLN. Darmawan said that PLN has surplus electricity for the first time. As a result, PLN can support the transition of oil consumption to electricity consumption, i.e. electric vehicles.
By promoting electric vehicles, Indonesian consumption of oil may be reduced. He argued that every 50,000 electric vehicles will reduce oil imports up to IDR 1 trillion annually. Besides, using electric vehicles can reduce approximately 70 % of carbon emission which is good for our environment.
By using technology and leveraging digitalization, PLN can be driven to transform and pursue 2024 goals. “PLN today is a tech company, and electricity is the product,” said Darmawan to conclude his presentation.