To celebrate and honor students’ graduation, SBM ITB has held a virtual graduation for the April 2021 period. Dean of SBM ITB Utomo Sarjono Putro advised the graduates to see pandemic Covid-19 as a new opportunity to create innovation.
“We hope that all of you will continue to learn for a long life learning wherever you are,” said Utomo. SBM ITB used Virtual Reality (VR) technology to give awards to the winners at this graduation. Awards are given to several graduates in various categories.

Some of the winners in the awards among others, Ria Angela Wibisono who was awarded the Best-In House Leader Awards (BTPN), Timoutius Andrean who received the Inspiring Leader Awards and Laura Yuliardhila who received the Best Leader Executive Awards. With VR technology, the winners came to the stage and received congratulations from the Dean. SBM ITB has congratulated a total of 498 graduates, with details of 36 bachelor degrees, 459 master degrees, and 3 doctor degrees.
As a graduate representative, Feri Indrayana from the Executive MBA In-House Berau Coal Batch 1 has given a farewell speech. “Even though the current conditions are many challenges and uncertainties, we must be able to create new opportunities to answer these challenges. Graduation is basically a starting point for us to have an impact on society, let’s create impact by collaborating together, happy graduation to all of us,” Feri said.
To give an inspiring speech, Yanuar Pratama Firdaus, the founder of Braga Culinary Night who is also an alumnae of MBA CCE batch 54 has been invited to speak. “I think what we have to do now is have an impact, not only complain about the conditions we are facing, but let’s start doing something to have an impact. The key to the success of a business is a willingness to collaborate to advance the business,” Yanuar said.
At the closing, SBM ITB gave a word of wisdom to some of its representatives. “Now is the time for you to explore a new world, with the provisions you can use at SBM ITB to explore more out there,” said Prof. Aurik Gustomo, Vice Dean of Academic SBM ITB. “As a lecturer, I am proud to see you at this point, show me who you are in the world of work and bring the good name of SBM ITB,” Director of Bachelor of Management Nur Budi Mulyono said.
Congratulatory messages also come from globes such as from Dr. Thomas Froehlicher (General Director and Dean Rennes School of Business-FRANCE), Dr. B.J.W Bartjan Pennink (Professor in BSc International Business Faculty of Economic and Business The University of Groningen – The NETHERLAND), Dr. Yusuke Toyoda (Director of International Center Osaka Ibaraki Campus Ritsumeikan University – JAPAN), and Dr. Stanley Tseng (Dean of Office of International Affairs National Yuniin University of Science and Technology TAIWAN).