Master and Doctor of Science in Management Study Program SBM ITB held a virtual outbound for new students with the theme “FUNtastic ACE: Adapt – Connect – Exceed” supported by Mindset Indonesia. With 100 participants, the program is carried out for two days, during 4-5 September 2021.
The director of the MSM-DSM study program, Yuliani Dwi Lestari, said that this virtual outbound activity is part of a series of debriefing new students in 2021. Previously, students had participated in the new student admissions ceremony and study skills for two days, which aimed to provide insight into scientific research. So that they are ready to undertake learning activities and research, then proceed with virtual outbound, which aims to help provide an understanding of the importance of adaptation, build commitment, endurance, and excellent performance, especially in terms of research. It is hoped that students will also quickly build interactions with their classmates through this activity, even though it is conducted online.
This series of activities is carried out with a fun and exciting concept. Digital-based games are used to facilitate group discussions and be a creative solution during a pandemic, which is all conducted online. In addition to various games and discussions, the main speaker invited Mr. Paulus Bambang, former CEO of Astra International, to give material on GRIT, Endurance and Thanks Giving. Specifically, he shared his decades of experience leading the Astra International company. What are the challenges faced, and how to formulate a solution strategy. He also emphasized the importance of having goals, determination, and commitment in all aspects of life, including carrying out the role as a researcher at MSM DSM SBM ITB.
The event was then closed with the signing of a commitment from all new MSM DSM students to maintain academic and non-academic performance, participate in the learning process and maintain the good name of SBM ITB. The students’ assessment of this activity was excellent and gave high appreciation for this activity. With a relatively short duration and online implementation, participants still get benefits and exciting experiences related to building relationships with peers, adapting to new roles as researchers, and designing strategies carrying out studies in MSM-DSM.