Journalism is not only needed by media companies. The advancement of information and communication technology required all agencies and companies to disseminate information through the content created by the company.
“Nowadays the trend is that every company is a media company. Even though they are not a media company, they produce content-like media,” said N. Nurlaela Arief, a lecturer and Director of communication and alumni relations of SBM ITB, at the opening of the news writing and public speaking workshop as well as welcoming student reporters and student announcers 2021 through a zoom meeting.
Lala explained that SBM ITB participated in preparing students in journalism through the student reporter and student announcers program. With these programs, students will be trained to have experience and knowledge in journalism, and these skills will be helpful for them when they later work in companies or become entrepreneurs.
For the student reporter program, students are directly involved in writing news to be published on SBM ITB social media pages, such as websites. The news covered is related to campus activities, such as webinars held by SBM ITB, student and lecturer achievements, and knowledge-sharing related to the lecturer’s research result.
Furthermore, in producing coverage in videos, SBM ITB also provides a student announcer program for students interested in becoming broadcasters on the SBM ITB podcast channel.
“By joining as a student reporter, students’ experience will be honed so that when they work in a company or become an entrepreneur, these skills will be beneficial,” said Lala. Then, she also advised the students who attended the workshop to optimize the workshop session.
The workshop, which was held in 2 sessions, was only attended by students who had been selected as student reporters and student announcers. It was also attended by two speakers, namely Rani Ummi Fadila, Journalist from the Pikiran Rakyat and Riko Anggoro, News Executive Producer & Anchor of Kompas TV.
In the first session, Rani Ummi Fadila explained the types of news and strategies for making news that readers like. Then Riko Anggoro explained about public speaking and shared his experiences as a broadcaster on Kompas TV. The workshop was attended by 12 student reporters and student announcers who were very enthusiastic and posed various questions to Riko regarding tips in public speaking.