Master and Doctor of Science in Management Study Program SBM ITB held a research dissemination seminar (a series of MSM DSM Lounge Program) with a theme “Knowledge Creation Through Escalation of Teaching and R&D” on Monday, September 27, 2021. Yuliani Dwi Lestari, Ph.D., Director of the MSM-DSM Study Program, said that “this event is a platform or forum for academicians particularly MSM DSM alumni to disseminate research output, sharing knowledge to government, business and society. This event will be conducted periodically, to give contributions for both theoretical/ knowledge and practical/ managerial aspects”.
Furthermore, Dr. Anggara Wisesa, Vice Director of the MSM-DSM Study Program, said that “Knowledge is unique, it grows, creates, and is developed within the organization. Two people cannot have the same knowledge, so the discussion of knowledge creation and R&D becomes an interesting and important thing to discuss.” The first speaker of this seminar is Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin, an alumnus of the Doctor of Science in Management (DSM), discussing knowledge creation and knowledge management. The second speaker is Adi Asmariadi, M.S.M., an alumnus of the Master of Science in Management (MSM), concerning the commercialization of research and R&D in a country level.
Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin emphasized, “Knowledge creation depends on the mechanism that is described in the knowledge sharing details. It also needs to be combined with the ability to put knowledge into practice in an environment that supports interaction and experimentation. On the other hand, the creative process is complex and easily damaged by an attitude of being too obedient to rules, regulations, or bureaucracy. In addition, he also mentioned that an individual must be able to recognize the knowledge that exists in himself and then involve other individuals to participate in knowledge creation”.
Adi Asmariadi, M.S.M., discussed the commercialization of research and R&D in a country level. He underlined “A country will grow if it can commercialize its research results. This commercialization affects local and national economic growth, knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship, and job creation. The development and commercialization of research are important because Indonesia will enter a knowledge-based economy in 2025, where all policies will be based on research. Four patterns can be applied to increase the research commercialization. Those patterns are business incubators, industrial cooperation with research institutions, community empowerment research, and government policies as facilitators”.
These two topics illustrated the importance of developing knowledge creation into research products to benefit a broader community. As the second session ended, the participants showed high enthusiasm with numerous questions asked to the speakers. Satriyo Wibowo, a participant of the MSM-DSM Lounge, said, “This seminar is fascinating, especially when the material presented by the speakers has been implemented in the real sector. This MSM-DSM Lounge activity is very positive to be held in the future by raising more actual themes.