This event was brought by two speakers, Astri Wina Lestari, S.Mn.,M.SM. – HC of Astra Mining Group and owner of event organizer – and also Dr. Hendy Ginting – professor of Psychology Department in Universitas Kristen Maranatha. As shown on the topic of the event, this webinar talked about choosing the best career path for every one of us, especially for the fresh graduate.
Astrid, who has gone through Astra’s Management Trainee program after graduating from her master degree, defines the true meaning of successful people. As she said, successful people are not somebody who earns a lot, but it is somebody that can make a value to help others. Based on that statement, she declared there is no one definite choice to be a successful person – all of us can be successful by becoming professionals or entrepreneurs. By becoming professionals, you need to perform with a certain level of education, skill, or training; and by becoming entrepreneurs, you need to put value into an innovation and make it successful.
Successful career, explained by Astri using Richard Leider’s Theory, is a combination of talent, passion, purpose, environment, and vision. But before that, the most important part to gather every component is knowing ourselves first. By knowing ourselves, we can define the true talent, passion to move, purpose of our life, set the most compatible environment, and also the vision of ourselves. Every single component can be sharpened in line with our experiences, through every step and mistake, we can learn more and make our career better, whether you are a professional or entrepreneur.
Psychological of CareerAs Dr. Hendy Ginting stated in his career counseling session, we need to define our path by asking several questions to ourselves. What are you going to do?; Anyone related to your goals?; Where are you going to do your goals?; When will you do it?; How will you do it?; and Why do you choose that goal? Every single question above are questions that we have heard many times and also can be answered by looking at our daily life.
Either continue to study, work at some company, or become an entrepreneur, I need cognitive ability, motivation, and also relationship skills. The professor taught us that the skills we need can be explored by simply putting others first. We should not think about ourselves, but think about others instead. As we live in Indonesia, the one thing that we should put in our mind is our country, to think what we can do for our nation to become better.
Dr. Hendy reminded us about the demography bonus of Indonesia, where in 2045 Indonesia can become one of five global economic leaders. The key to reach that state is well developed human resources. As we cannot determine the future, we can make our path to the future based on our conditions now, our process, and also decisions we make now. To simplify, we are going to need a good motivation for moving, good planning and evaluation for every decision we make.
Arthur W. Chickering, explained by Dr. Hendy, showed 7 areas of self improvement – competence, emotion management, independence development, social relationship maturity, identity discovery, life goal setting, and development of a life of integrity. Every aspect of self improvement can be sharpened by any college graduate. By focusing on our self improvement, it can help us to fulfill our goals.
To sum up, no matter what career path you choose, you can be a professional or entrepreneur, the most important thing is to bring your value up and make your value to help others.