SBM ITB hosted a campus tour for new students from the class of 2024, the first hybrid orientation event since the Covid-19 pandemic. Students came to the SBM campus by following government recommendations and health protocols from Monday (11/15/2021) to Wednesday (11/17/2021).

Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro, the Dean of SBM ITB, opened the event with remarks. During the debriefing, he explained the mission of SBM is to educate students to become innovative leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset and develop knowledge of business and management for better management of the business, government, and society.

“Students must be able to recognize and see opportunities, take risks, make decisions, accept responsibility, and collaborate with others as a result of learning that fosters an entrepreneurial mindset,” said Utomo.

Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro emphasized important principles to his students (Integrity, Excellence, Mutual Trust, Innovative, and Harmony) to become individuals who can support the industry, society, nation, government, and industry in the future. Especially in facing the competition, collaboration, change, uncertainty, speed, and creative demands.

The opening remarks were made by Dr. eng. Nur Budi Mulyono, the Head of Management Study Program, and Akbar Adhiutama, Ph.D., the Head of Entrepreneurship Study Program. The management study program, which serves as a learning accelerator for other students, invites everyone to participate and contribute to ecosystem-based learning. Meanwhile, those who choose the entrepreneurship study program are expected to produce technopreneurs with varying business specificities.

The event concluded with information sharing from various profiles of laboratories, research centers, and SBM ITB incubators. These laboratories, research centers, and incubators are led directly by lecturers with the capacity and expertise in their respective fields.

Games as a Learning Method

A business simulation using games is one of the SBM ITB campus tour activities. The students engaged in a game of Business Empire. Business Empire is a tabletop or board and card game that teaches players how to manage a business. During the game, Business Empire is designed to provide experiences related to entrepreneurship, customer orientation, adaptability, business strategy, and negotiation. The main goal of this Business Empire game is to become the best businessman with the most wealth, capable of beating other businessmen or competitors.

In this game, each player has a company to manage according to each player’s role. The students are guided by a facilitator who gives instructions during the game. Senior students who have never interacted with their younger classmates during the pandemic are involved as facilitators. The hope is that the older generation will be able to understand the younger better.

The Business Empire game was created by the Laboratory of Educational Games (LEG), one of SBM ITB’s Labs. LEG is a laboratory that creates learning media through gamification or game-based learning.

Welcome Class of 2024, who are eager to learn and participate in campus activities. We hope to see you at the next on-campus event.

Written by Student Reporter (Erwin Josua, EMBA 2021)