Welcoming 328 postgraduate students from the Jakarta campus and 236 postgraduate students from Bandung campus, the SBM ITB held a welcoming ceremony on Thursday (13/1/2022).

The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Utomo Sarjono Putro, M. Eng. as the dean of SBM ITB, and Prof. Dr. Aurik Gustomo as the vice dean of academic of SBM ITB. Opened with remarks from Prof. Dr. Utomo, the dean of SBM ITB, a doctoral graduate at the Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan, offered his congratulations and hopes for the January 2022 MBA ITB new students. He hopes that the MBA ITB can become a place for students both from within the country and five international students who this year join, develop and become graduates who answer Indonesia’s needs with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Prof. Dr. Aurik Gustomo then presented about SBM ITB in more depth, an introduction to expertise groups and laboratories, as well as SBM ITB facilities. Prof. Dr. Aurik started his presentation explaining the vision, mission, and values ​​of SBM ITB, which wants to educate its students to become innovative leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset to develop and disseminate business and management knowledge for the advancement of business, government, and society. SBM ITB does this to become a world-class institution that inspires and develops leaders with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Furthermore, Prof. Aurik explained to the new MBA ITB students about the history and profile of SBM ITB, including its three programs: Bachelor Program, Master Program, and Doctoral Program, established in 1990 with more than 3000 students and more than 1000 intellectual contributions. In addition, Prof. Aurik also explained the list of SBM ITB partners internationally before finally ending the session for welcoming new students with a complete explanation of the campus and facilities of SBM ITB.

Written by Student Reporter (Tjia Alphani, Entrepreneurship 2022)