Business issues are very close to our daily lives. Similar to the solutions provided, some problems can be solved by doing simple things. So, don’t think the business concept is overly complicated.The Totys team used this simplicity to win second place in the Business Model Canvas Competition: Young Entrepreneurs Innovate to Increase National Economic Growth held by the Indonesian Business Administration Student Association and the Most Favored Team in the International Business Idea Competition 2022: Rapid Shift of Innovation in Uncertainty held by Podomoro University. Fadhillah Eka Sucy (Entrepreneurship SBM), Raihana Haris Nurhafizah (Management SBM), Ida Adelia Krisna Prameswari (Entrepreneurship SBM), Desy Indah Permatasari Lubis (Industrial Engineering FTI), and Raniah Intan Puspita (Craft FSRD) worked together to make this happen.
Totys presented the idea to the SBM ITB Marketing and Communication Team on Monday (11/7/2022). Totys frequently found it difficult to find information about famous places, rides, “hidden gem” cafes, and transportation to support their vacation trips.
Although they always plan every trip, they frequently feel that their itinerary is not quite right. What have planned, especially on vacation, may not always be fully realized due to one or more obstacles.
We believe that we require a third party to make recommendations on where we should go as a solution. Starting with the location, transportation, and so on, which is customizeable to each of our budgets. We pack all of that into one site that helps foreign tourists in need,” one Totys member explained.
Competition Experience and Next Steps
Totys had no idea this team would win the competition and receive such a positive response. Even after the presentation, the judges were delighted to offer Totys to realize this business concept.
Totys wants to contribute to impact the Indonesian economy. Thus, One of the team members expressed a willingness to pitch his idea to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.
“Hopefully, this concept will be well realized and have a positive impact on many parties. We hope that this concept can help to improve the Indonesian economy. It would be ideal if we proposed this idea to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism and Creative Economy Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, which is led by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, Sandiaga Uno,” Totys member said.
Congratulations to the winners; SBM & ITB community is proud of you and wishes you the best.