SBM ITB held its first offline graduation since the pandemic, with 226 graduates on Saturday (23/7/2022). The graduates consist of 14 graduates from the management undergraduate study program, three graduates from the entrepreneurship undergraduate study program, 93 graduates from the master of business administration (with 39 graduating with cum laude predicate), 110 graduates from the Jakarta master of business administration (with 48 cum laude graduates), five graduates from the master of science and management (with three cum laude graduates), and one graduate from the doctor of science and management (with cum laude predicate).

“Even though you have graduated. We expect you to continue your steps as lifelong learners, continue to enhance your competence, and be part of providing solutions to the country’s problems. Congratulations! May all of you be successful!” said the dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M. Eng.
Hosted by Gina Maheswari Syailendra (Bachelor of Management 2022) and Nikko Kurnia Hermawan (MBA Bandung’56 Alumni), the graduation ceremony with the theme of Indonesian customs presented various Indonesian special appearances, especially West Java, such as Saung Angklung Udjo. In addition, this July 2022 graduation ceremony was attended by Atalia Praratya, SIP, MIKOM., as the Chair of the Regional Traditional Crafts Council (Dekranasda) of West Java Province.
“Congratulations to all graduates; I hope your dreams and hopes will come true. Life is not only about knowledge to be applied but its usefulness. Hopefully, we can continue improving our useful knowledge to succeed in this world and the hereafter,” said Atalia, often called Mrs. Cinta.
In addition to the appearance and welcome from the dean, this graduation ceremony also announced several names who had won awards for their various achievements, including:
- The inspiring Leader Award is given to Agus Gunawan
- The best Young Entrepreneur Award is given to Muhammad Satria Akbar Abbas
- Best Young Professional Award is given to Aditya Indrasaputra
- Inspiring Leader Award in Energy Management is given to Anne Juliah
- Best In-House Leader Award in Strategic Leadership BPOM is given to Ely Rahmawati
- Best In-House Leader Award in Strategic Marketing MarkPlus is given to Radita Sonixtus Arauna
- The outstanding Achievement Award is given to Dinda Thalia Andariesta
- Scholastic Achievement Award is given to Sunarti
- The Best Executive Award is given to Naisha Sebby Alkafilah
- The Best Executive Award is given to Hanif Lyonnais
- The best In-house Leader Award is given to Ardhito Wirawan Sarwono
- The best In-house Leader Award is given to Muhammad Reza Arisandy
- Best In-house Leader Award is given to Hengky
- Best Young Professional Award is given to Breenda Gabriel Tambuwun
- The best Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship Award is given to Jane Auditya