SBM ITB invited a senior lecturer at the University of Glasgow, Dr Ramona Blanes, as a guest lecture on Thursday, October 12, 2022. Dr Blanes gave a guest lecture entitled “The Challenges of Green Finance and its FinTech Solutions: Case of Asia”.

This Guest Lecture was hybrid, held at Zoom meeting and the 2nd MBA ITB Amphitheater Room. The ITB MBA Young Professional Class 66 and the Head of the ITB MBA Study Program, Yunieta Anny Nainggolan, also attended this guest lecture.

According to Dr Blanes, Green Finance is a concept in banking to promote environmentally friendly investments and long-term development projects. It also aims to distribute the product.

Capital expenditures for projects or developments that are more environmentally friendly are the main focus of Green Finance. Several countries have demonstrated their commitment to reducing emissions and pollution and promoting Green Finance.

Germany will apply strict rules in the use of motorized vehicles. China wants to be a leader in Green Finance by requiring all Chinese banks to participate in the program and promoting Green Finance by upholding China’s status as the world’s second-largest economy. In Indonesia, “Green Finance” is described as a joint industry including banking and finance for high-level business transactions resulting from social, economic and environmental cooperation.

FinTech is also discussed in this lecture. The “financial technology,” or FinTech, is a technical innovation created in the financial industry to facilitate practical, simple, and efficient financial transactions.

This has significant financial benefits for the society. Banks with strict standards and high-interest rates dominated the financial services industry before FinTech technology emerged.

In this Guest Lecture, Dr Blanes revealed that financial technology-based solutions to the challenges of Green Finance are artificial intelligence and advanced data analytics, distributed ledger technologies, and initial coin offering vs initial public offering. The guest lecture was closed with a question and answer session and the presentation of mementos from the MBA ITB by the Head of the Study Program, Yunieta Anny Nainggolan, to Dr. Ramona Blanes.

Written by Student Reporter (Visco Asmara Hadi, MBA YP 2022)