SBM ITB organized training for Student Reporters & Announcers at the MBA ITB Bandung Campus, on Sunday, November 6, 2022. Sixteen undergraduate and master SBM students participated in the training.
SBM ITB’s Marketing Communications presented a Tempo journalist and a student who received a Master of Business Administration ITB media scholarship, Khairul Anam, as the trainer. The Director of Communication and Alumni Relations of SBM ITB, N. Nurlaela Arief, opened the event and hoped that reporters could deliver news with in-depth information through this training.

The training started with the first theme, “Fundamentals of Journalism.” The trainer, who is familiarly called Anam, immediately asked the reporter the meaning of journalism.
The discussion continues to discuss newsworthy aspects. Reporters enthusiastically answered and asked questions about the appropriateness of news examples in the media. For example, Ravi, one of the reporters present, asked about the relationship between an actress’ opinion and the forecast for an economic recession in 2023.
In the “Interviewing Techniques” session, Anam told a short story about a hurdles athlete who refused to be interviewed by a young reporter. The reporter conveyed the reason for the athlete’s refusal.
Through the introduction to the story, he presented the principles in the interview. Mas Anam often gives interview tips in his delivery, one of which is to make the other person comfortable telling stories.
At the end of the second session, reporters were divided into pairs to determine the theme and the list of interviews. Three groups showed the results of their discussions and practiced interviews for 2 minutes.
Research is the first stage in news writing. After the afternoon break, the last session was on “News Writing Techniques.” Reporters returned to practice writing with the theme “The Rise of Fuel Prices” from various perspectives.
In addition to writing practice writing, reporters are required to go around the campus for interviews and write the results as news articles at the end of this session. The activity was closed, with the trainer directly assessing the articles made by each reporter.