Saturday, 10 December 2022, The SBM ITB Alumni Association is holding a gathering to strengthen ties between alumni. The alumni who came consisted of the first batch of SBM ITB (2003) to the class of 2022 who had just graduated in October 2022 yesterday.
At the beginning of the event, alumni carried out a campus tour to see the developments in the SBM ITB building. The Freeport SBM ITB building was inaugurated in 2017, so alumni who graduated before that year did not experience any lecture at the building.
The alumni were very enthusiastic about finding photo spots at the Freeport Building. They asked about the function of this building. Such as libraries, Hybrid classrooms, visiting professor rooms, and other supporting spaces.
After walking around, the event opened at the 6th Floor Auditorium with an opening by the Head of the SBM ITB Alumni Association, Radeya Pranata.

“Studying at SBM ITB, the most important thing is the built connections,” said Radeya. “By establishing a relationship like this, we can exchange insights and strengthen relationships between SBM ITB alumni.”
After remarks by Radeya, Deputy Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME and SBM ITB Lecturer, and the Head of the Sustainable Business and Fund Management Agency (BPUDL) Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto, took turns giving remarks. Deddy, among other things, gave a presentation on business management and sustainable funds managed by BPUDL and invited alumni to partner.
The event continued with a sharing session with the selected Alumni. Four people gave presentations at this session, namely Putri Zulkifli Hasan, an alumni class of 2009, currently a businesswoman and politician. Then there is Putri Arinda, a class 2009 alumni, currently a Mompreneur.
Then there is Ms Adrian ‘Pacul’, alumni class of 2009, ex-Secretary General of KMSBM 2012 and ex-Management Consulting. Finally, Danang Gultom, an alumni class of 2017, has won an LPDP Awardee and is currently an Account Manager for Gojek Indonesia.
“In the beginning, I didn’t focus directly on politics but worked first,” said Putri. “But I feel that what I’m doing still doesn’t have much impact on many people. I decided to work in the field of politics so I can help and impact more people.”
This sharing session was meaningful because it had in-depth discussions and provided various perspectives. This perspective mainly builds us to see the different views held by each source more broadly. The event was also enlivened by entertainment from the Kuburan Band.