Research is the creation of new knowledge or using old knowledge creatively to generate new concepts, methodologies, and understandings. This can include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it leads to unique and creative results.

The two most important components of any research project are ideas and execution. The successful implementation of a research project depends on the effort of the researcher and the infrastructure available to carry out the research.

Research projects require human and material costs, and funding is essential to meeting these requirements. Research funding is needed to meet these costs and the smooth implementation of research projects.

This is the outline of Knowledge Coffee with the theme “Business Agility in the Pandemic Era: Socialization from Facebook (Meta) Research Awardee” on Tuesday (13/12). The discussion presented researchers from ITB who were fully funded by Meta. They are the Head of Management of Technology (MoT) Laboratory of SBM ITB, Dr.rer.pol.Eko Agus Prasetio, Dedy Sushandoyo, Ph.D. (SBM ITB), and Head of Artificial Intelligence Center ITB Dr.Eng.Ayu Purwarianti.

Meta awarded outstanding professors with research awards to support ongoing research efforts. Awards usually result from research awards programs to help build long-term relationships with academics and support innovative research.

From time to time, Meta invites academics to propose research in certain fields that align with Meta’s mission to build community and bring the world closer. Meta is pleased to invite faculty to respond to this request for research proposals to drive further innovation in this fundamental distributed systems challenge and deepen collaboration with academia.

Meta anticipates awarding up to six research awards with a funding range of US$50,000. Payment will be made to the proposer’s host university as an unlimited prize. The following are the Requirements to apply for a research grant from Meta.

Proposals must include the following.

  • Project summary (one to two pages) in English, explaining areas of focus, technical description, relevant previous work, and timeline with achievements and expected results
  • A description of the draft budget (one page), including an estimate of the cost of the award and an explanation of how funds will be spent
  • Curriculum Vitae for all project participants
  • Organization details, including tax information and administrative contact details


  • Proposals must comply with US and international laws, regulations, and policies.
  • Applicants must be current full-time instructors at an accredited academic institution that awards research degrees to Ph.D.
  • Applicants must be Principal Investigators for any resulting award.
  • Only one proposal per Principal Investigator may be submitted, but they may be listed as a Joint Principal Investigator on any other submission.
  • Meta cannot consider proposals submitted, prepared, or executed by individuals residing in or affiliated with an academic institution located in a country or territory subject to comprehensive US trade sanctions.
  • Government officials (excluding public university faculty and staff, to the extent that they can be considered government officials), political figures, and politically affiliated businesses (all as determined by Meta in its sole discretion) are not eligible.

Written by Student Reporter (Defrina Dwifani, MSM 2022)