More than 300 participants attended the welcoming for the January 2023 Intake Master of Business Administration (MBA) students from the SBM ITB on Thursday (12/1). The online reception, attended by postgraduate students, lecturers, and staff of institutions related to SBM ITB, was lively.
The event was started by opening remarks from Prof. Tjandra Anggraeni, Acting Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at SBM. In his speech, Prof. Tjandra equipped the participants with the fundamental aspects of SBM ITB, from school history and values to AACSB accreditation achievements on November 16, 2021.
“This is a step forward in achieving one of the ‘Triple Crown’ international accreditations, namely AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA, with the hope that SBM ITB can collaborate with more universities globally,” said Prof. Tjandra.

The presentation was continued by Prof. Dr Aurik Gustomo, who presented the profile of SBM ITB. There are three core competencies expected of SBM graduates: leadership, entrepreneurship, and iInnovation. To realize this, SBM ITB has adopted an education system 4.0 equipped with experiential learning so that students can become business people who are theoretically and practically competent.
“We also implemented the ‘Blended Learning Concept’. Therefore, students must read the material before class, and later they are required to be active in class for discussions,” he added.
Prof. Aurik also explained to the students about school facilities. He believes that business laboratories such as the Big Data and Analytics Lab, the Neuroscience Business Lab, and the Laboratory Educational Game (LEG) can support student education activities.
ITB librarian Wiwik Istiyarini also explained the library facilities. SBM ITB has four libraries spreading across the Bandung and Jakarta campuses. Each campus has two units. This library is equipped with various collections of well-known books in the world of education, for example, McGraw-Hill with 41 titles, Pearson Education with 19 titles, and Wiley Online Library with 20 titles.
After the students gained knowledge about the facilities available at SBM ITB, they also received exposure to SIX and Space, an information system and technology that will be used in the future.
In addition, SBM ITB also provides facilities for consulting on psychology-related matters, as presented by Dr. Hendy Ginting with an interactive method for the participants. The program offers an academic and non-academic mentoring.
“We also carry out a mentoring program so that academic and emotional difficulties can be handled during the study period,” said Dr. Hendy.
The welcoming of MBA students is a part of a series of events welcoming new Doctoral, Master and Professional students for the 2023 academic year. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng, the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs ITB, Prof. Dr. Supriadi, M.Eng, the Dean of ITB Postgraduate School, and Ridwan Sutriadi, S.T, M.T, PhD, the Director of ITB Non-regular Education. The three sources mandated to all postgraduate students that education at this stage aims to produce academics who have integrity and can continue contributing towards a golden Indonesia 2045.