The International Relations Office (IRO) SBM ITB held a welcoming ceremony for 14 Semester II exchange students 2022/2023 at the Freeport Building, ITB Ganesha Campus, Bandung (31/1). The buddies, selected SBM ITB students to accompany the exchange students, also attended the event.

The Director of International Relations at SBM ITB, Dr. Ira Fachira presented an overview of SBM ITB and ITB in general. She also explained how Indonesia is ethnically diverse and showed some of the customs and traditions of the Sundanese people, such as bowing while saying punten (excuse me) when meeting people.
Ira also discussed the topic of safety and security. She also explained the reliable types of transportation, hospital locations, emergency contacts, and playful warnings about Indonesian food.
As this is the first time for all exchange students visiting Indonesia, she was worried that the food might be too different from theirs. Therefore, she recommends students adjust slowly over the first two weeks.
This semester, exchange students consist of six undergraduate students and eight postgraduate students from France, Sweden, and India, with France dominating the number.
“I have long wanted to travel to Indonesia. So when I saw the list (available destinations for the exchange program), I immediately chose SBM ITB,” said Marie Siame, a Master’s student at KEDGE Business School, France.
In addition, the buddy program held by IRO SBM ITB to help foreign students adapt is also an interesting program for regular SBM ITB students.
“Interacting with foreigners forces you to speak English; that’s why I want to be a buddy. This program hones my English skills and allows me to make international friends,” said Adrian Pascal, an MBA student at SBM ITB (YP 66), as one of the Buddy.
This is Adrian’s second semester as buddy. He believes that this program enables him to understand different cultures, which can be helpful for business preparation.
Several buddies who are also MBA students gave a short campus tour at the SBM ITB MBA campus in Gelap Nyawang, Bandung. This activity encourages international students and Buddies to get to know each other casually.
The exchange students are:
- Sebastian Otto Wilhelm Bratthall from Lund University
- Martin Marie Cédric Bouzard from IESEG School of Management
- Philippine Cuignet from IESEG School of Management
- Gosselin Julie from Rennes School of Business
- Hugo Noel from ESSCA School of Management
- Oscar Dingeon from ESSCA School of Management
- Maxime Capitaine from Kedge Business School
- Agathe Rudler from Kedge Business School
- Sai Sankalp Vemavarapu from S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
- Yash Pravin Gattani from S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
- Enzo DA SILVA GUEDES from Kedge Business School
- Marie-Siame MECHDAL from Kedge Business School
- Anouck Achache from Kedge Business School
- Martin DERNY from Kedge Business School