As part of technological progress, the Internet makes the world more digital. The internet makes people move quickly with the flow of change. One of them is the flow of technology transfer.
Transferring technology is one way to eliminate limitations, bringing improvement and mastery of technology to a higher level. In industry and business, technology transfer can be realized through the transfer of human resources from companies with advanced technology to companies with still developing technology.
Technology transfer is crucial in industry and business. Human resources in industry and business must continue aligning with the industry’s needs. The industry should have a clear or real mission and strategy and be ‘familiar’ with research and development.
The importance of technology transfer in the industry was conveyed by two SBM ITB lecturers: Eko A Prasetio and Dedy Sushandoyo, and ITB researcher Uruqul Nadhif, in a review of their book entitled Transfer of Technology and Information for Business Transformation in Bandung on Wednesday (21/2). Two speakers, the Founder & CEO of Fin Komodo Ibnu Susilo and the Chairperson of the ITB Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Institute (LPIK-ITB) Joko Sarwono, also enlivened the book review.
This book reviews the technological issues related to the industry. The authors believe that technology transfer in an industry must be fought for.
According to the authors and sources, this book is ready to provide an understanding and build awareness for readers about industrial policy and knowledge transfer flow. It also presents several case studies on industry practices from around the world.