The metaverse and artificial intelligence development is growing rapidly in the business world. Several companies have even adopted metaverse and AI for managing their human resources.

Della Achmad Fawaz, the Founder of OSA Consulting Indonesia, said that many companies had done the online employee recruitment stage using metaverse. With the implementation of the metaverse, people can join virtually with their respective metaverse characters to find jobs and interact spontaneously with the HR of each company.

The use of metaverse and AI was conveyed by Della in a seminar entitled “Human Capital Preparation in Facing Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence,” held in a hybrid manner by Keluarga Mahasiswa Management (KMM SBM ITB) in the 2nd Floor Auditorium, SBM ITB Building on Monday (27/2). Traveloka also sponsored the seminar.

Speakers with the Head of the Program Bachelor of Management SBM ITB, Achmad Fajar Hendarman, and President of KMM SBM ITB Fauzan Khalil Ramadhan

Other than Della, Nur Islami Javad, the Co-Founder of Gajah Crypto, and Aldo Rambie, the Head of Industry Meta Indonesia, were also present. The seminar was opened by the Head of the Program Bachelor of Management SBM ITB, Achmad Fajar Hendarman, who was also one of the speakers at the seminar.

According to the speakers, not only during recruitment, metaverse has also been used in the onboarding period for new employees, like a virtual office tour. Deloitte has implemented this. The company town hall is also done with metaverse.

With advances in technology, Human Resources (HR) must automatically be able to adapt to technology. HR is a division that prioritizes talent skills and manages resources.

Today, HR must collaborate with technologies such as Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence to survive and evolve.

To adapt metaverse technology, it is necessary to have a metaverse mindset that belongs to every stakeholder who develops and adapts it, including a growth mindset, a metaverse mindset, and a digital mindset.

A digital mindset is needed because digital transformation is centered on human talent, not technology. In addition, with a digital mindset, individuals will understand digitalization strategies that can add value, improve customer experience, save time, and increase productivity and profits.

Speakers and participants from KMM SBM ITB

Written by Student Reporter (Defrina Dwifani, MSM 2022)