Various parties predict Indonesia will enter the top 10 world economies by 2030. To achieve this, President Joko Widodo launched the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap in 2018.
The Ministry of Industry, as the leading sector, has compiled the Indonesian Industry 4.0 Readiness Index (INDI 4.0) to implement Making Indonesia 4.0. INDI 4.0 is useful for mapping industry readiness in implementing industry 4.0 in Indonesia. In addition, the Ministry of Industry, through the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI), has also launched the Indonesia Digital Industry Center 4.0 (PIDI 4.0) to accelerate the transformation of industry 4.0 in Indonesia.
Entrepreneurship students at SBM ITB of 2024 had the opportunity to visit the PIDI 4.0 Building in Jakarta on Thursday (16/3).
“PIDI 4.0 has a vision of being a one-stop solution in adopting industry 4.0 in Indonesia and becoming a window for Indonesia 4.0 to the world,” said Anas Sutikno, who represented PIDI 4.0 Management when opening the company visit.
After introducing PIDI 4.0, Anas invited students to tour the building. The tour starts from the 4th floor, where there is a Laboratory or Machine Simulation 4.0.
“In this place, we make a simulation of the implementation of technology 4.0 using cases carried out for training and learning,” said Anas.
The tour continued by visiting the 1st floor, where there was a showcase from PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN). There PT TMMIN presented an overview of the implementation of technology 4.0 in operating their factory.
Currently, PT TMMIN has used various 4.0 technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) for painting learning simulations, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to monitor the process of loading goods, and other digital technologies that allow TMMIN to track the position of part shipments from suppliers and monitor the entire production process directly through the dashboard on the digital control tower.
In addition to the showcase from PT TMMIN, SBM ITB students also had the opportunity to visit showcases from PT Indolakto and PT Telkomsel which are the main part of the showcase center on the 1st floor. Students also had the opportunity to visit the 6th floor, namely the PIDI 4.0 partner working space, a place for partners PIDI 4.0 to do technology demos.
The industry can adopt this demonstration to carry out digital transformation 4.0. PIDI 4.0 has an ecosystem with 35 partners consisting of 30 industrial users and technology accelerators, three universities, one global technology from Germany, and one global management consulting agency.
“Hopefully, with these company visits, students can gain extensive connections and knowledge of the technologies used in companies today,” said Rendra Chaerudin, the tour supervisor. Surely in the future, you will need these connections to produce the materials you will be making.”