MySkill CEO and Co-Founder, Angga Fauzan, shared his knowledge online about digital marketing and content creation at The GreaterHub XIV Industry Mentoring session, one of a series of startup business incubation events SBM ITB in Bandung, Friday (17/ 3).
Angga introduced one of Google’s marketing frameworks, ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth). ZMOT is a simple framework but can contain the entire marketing process. This helps the design of marketing strategies to be more organized and effectively target potential customers at every stage of marketing.
“If you can understand the ZMOT framework made by Google, you understand marketing as a whole,” explained Angga further.
Google’s framework divides the marketing process into four stages. The first stage begins with the stimulus or stimulus received by the prospective customer about the product or service being offered. In the second stage, potential customers will validate the product or service before buying goods or using services.
If the validation results are convincing, the prospect will officially become a customer by buying goods or using services in the third stage. The final stage is that the customer will perform a second validation after using the product or service in the second stage. In this fourth stage, customers will evaluate their experience with the product or service and decide whether to buy or use it again in the future and recommend it to others or not.
“The marketing process where the customer sees an advertisement (gets a stimulus) and immediately makes a purchase is just a fairy tale,” said Angga.
Angga stressed that marketing is a set of stages, not instantaneous. When the prospect validates, we need to focus on the second stage. At this stage, as a business owner or startup, you must be able to identify the activities carried out by potential customers to validate that the product or service can meet their expectations.
The identification process is generally carried out through market research which involves a sufficient number of prospective customers from various segments to produce valid results. For example, market research results show that before these potential customers buy our products, they first watch product review videos via the YouTube channel. So, we have to design a strategy so that our products get a lot of reviews on YouTube and also ensure that the reviews are in accordance with the conditions of our products.
Next, evaluate the effectiveness of the process in sales conversions. Do it continuously so that the data and strategies are always up to date.