SBM ITB Graduation Celebration April 2023 was held luxuriously at the Intercontinental Hotel Dago on Saturday (8/4/2023), bestowing 14 awards for outstanding graduates. In addition, some of the graduates even achieved the perfect GPA of 4.0, so it perfectly made up the glorious environment of the event. Below are the lists of awards, awardee, and their GPAs:
- Inspiring Leader Award, Business Leadership Executive MBA Jakarta Campus: Fiona Diserty Sebayang, GPA: 3.93.
- Best Young Entrepreneur Award, Entrepreneurship MBA Jakarta Campus: Tri Hendra Widadi, GPA: 3.89.
- Best Young Professional Award, General Management MBA Jakarta Campus: Reza Rhamadany, GPA: 3.91.
- Inspiring Leader Award in Energy Management, Energy Management Executive MBA Jakarta Campus: Kurniadi Budiono, GPA: 3.81.
- Best Young Scientist Award, Master of Science in Management: Irka Wijaya, GPA: 3.92
- Outstanding Achievement Award, Master of Science in Management: Tarada Berlian Megananda, GPA: 3.92.
- Scholastic Achievement Award, Doctor of Management of Science: Ambara Purusottama, GPA: 3.98.
- Executive Excellence Award, Business Leader Executive MBA (BLEMBA) Bandung Campus: Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid, GPA: 4.0.
- Executive Excellence Award, Executive MBA Bandung Campus: Rama Alpha Yuri Margareta, GPA: 4.0.
- Corporate Leader Award (PT Berau Coal Batch 2), the Program of Inhouse PT Berau Coal batch 2: Ardyan Febrianto, GPA: 4.0.
- Corporate Leader Award (Pertamina Balikpapan-Hulu Mahakam), the Program of In House Class Pertamina Balikpapan-Hulu Mahakam : Muhammad Sobirin, GPA: 4.0.
- Corporate Leader Award (IA ITB Kaltim), the Program of Inhouse class (Corporate Partnership): Annisaa Dwi Utami, GPA: 4.0.
- Best Young Professional Award, Young Professional MBA Bandung Campus: Fajrian, GPA: 3.97.
- Best Young Entrepreneur Award, Entrepreneurship MBA Bandung Campus: Stella Ajeng Widiarni, GPA: 3.96.

Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid, one of the outstanding graduates with the perfect GPA and currently the Director of Digital Business at Telkom Indonesia, showed his happiness and the highest thanks to all the parties who have always supported him finishing his study in the MBA ITB program. He revealed that one of his reasons for taking the program was his desire to study business theoretically so that it can enhance his knowledge as a business practitioner. Fajrin also said that campus is the right environment to shape a learner.
“There is a quote, living with the giants, meaning that If we live with the giants, we will eventually turn into a giant,” said Fajrin.
Tarada Berlian Megananda, another graduate receiving an award that night, also felt the surge of happiness. She obtained the award due to her achievement presenting the best papers at the International Graduate Colloquium (IGC) last year, 2022. Her paper was then published in an international journal indexed by Scopus, one of the most well-known databases for literature.
“Everything was so amazing; the event was so spectacular. I’ve never expected such an award for me. The event was conducted very well, so many awards, also I gained a lot of insight here,” Said Tara.
Delightful and grateful feelings were perceived by families, including parents that accompanied his son and daughter in this event. It is expressed by Kurnia Ahmadin, the father of Rozan Hanifan, one of the graduates of the MSM ITB. For Kurnia, as a parent, the most important thing is the way to keep supporting his son, starting from the early days of elementary schools to the time he has completed his study in this master’s program. He also hopes that all students can continue their journey with such a great motivation in doing their education.
“We, parents, can only motivate and send our prayers. Your future is always in your own hands,” Said Ahmadin.