On the National Education Day (2 May 2023), to strengthen ITB’s commitment to multi-campus development in Jakarta, ITB Rector Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D prepared the Graha Irama Building (10th and 12th Floors) on Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, to be a permanent ITB Jakarta Campus.

“The ITB Jakarta Campus is develop to provide a wider access to education, ITB as a campus with competency base in science and technology must be able to address the needs of the community. Therefore, we open multi-disciplinary programs, to bridge ITB’s various competencies in science and technology to create added value for society, industry and government,” said Prof. Reini.

In preparing for the ITB Jakarta Campus, ITB is currently developing facilities and infrastructure at the Graha Irama Building (floors 10 and 12) to facilitate new programs, both postgraduate and non-degree programs, research activities and community service. 

Prof. Jaka Sembiring, the acting Dean of SBM ITB emphasized that “The presence of ITB Jakarta Campus is to strengthen ITB’s progress in the capital city, with SBM postgraduate programs. In 2023, ITB will add new study programs, especially postgraduate studies in Jakarta.”

Prof. Jaka Sembiring added that currently, there are more than 1,000 SBM ITB students on the Jakarta campus. With new postgraduate programs, it is hoped that more students will be able to join various majors at the Faculties/Schools at ITB.

A number of collaborations have been established with both with domestic and foreign partners, with the advantages of 12 Faculties/Schools in ITB being a strength that students can collaborate with each other as an example in the field of technopreneurship. ITB also continues to carry out transformation efforts, supporting the uniqueness and strength of each Faculty/School in ITB.

Prof. Reini and her staff visited the ITB Jakarta Campus

Written by Media Relations