Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Singapore Management University (SMU) developed a collaborative program in Human Resources to prepare students to manage human resources. This program started in February 2023 with a visit by SBM ITB students to SMU. Furthermore, 18 Singapore Management University (SMU) students visited the SBM ITB on Monday, May 8, 2023.

This activity began with a campus tour. The event continued with the opening of the program and lecture sessions by the Head of the International Relations Section (IRO) at the ITB Partnership Bureau, Andika Putra Pratama, Ph.D., and SBM ITB lecturer, Dr.N. Nurlaela Arief.

Andika gave a lecture session on Intercultural Management, introducing Indonesian cultures. Andika also provided an understanding of the management of cultural diversity in human resource management.

According to Andika Putra Pratama, the Head of the International Relations Section (IRO) at the ITB Partnership Bureau, students will work on company projects that have been selected as clients in this collaboration. “Students will provide suggestions for clients regarding human resource management problems they are currently facing, especially regarding young talent management,” said Andika on Monday (8/05).

In addition to their academic pursuits, students will engage in various activities during their time in Bandung. These activities include company visits, collaborative project work with clients, and project presentations. To conclude these activities, a cultural tour will be organized, allowing students to explore several tourist destinations in Bandung.

“I hope this can be a motivation, a forum for collaboration with different cultures, and refreshment activities for students because this is a great collaboration between institutions and SMU,” said Andika.

The program managed by the ITB Office of International Relations (IRO) has been integrated as part of the SBM ITB community service program for 2023, chaired by Andika Putra Pratama, N. Nurlaela Arief, Aurik Gustomo, Ahmad Fajar, and Umi Zuraida. Participants and the team provided recommendations to their clients, namely PT Kazee and CDP-selected clients.

One of the SMU-X participants, Jerraine Lin Shuxiang, hopes to understand more about Intercultural Management and establish relationships with students in Indonesia through this program.

a lecture session on Intercultural Management, introducing Indonesian cultures

Written by Student Reporter (Eli Sulistyowati, Management 2024)