The Election Committee of the ITB Entrepreneurship Student Association ‘Artha’ (IMK) held a debate and hearing of the chairperson candidates at the SBM ITB Auditorium 2nd Floor on Tuesday (16/5). This event is part of the IMK ‘Artha’ ITB 2023 election agenda series.
This event aims to find out the vision and mission of the prospective chairman of the association and the candidate for senator of IMK ‘Artha’ ITB. There is one candidate for chairman of the association and one candidate for chairman of the senator.
Zakaria Khori Hermawan, the candidate for chairman of BP IMK ‘Artha’ ITB association, shared his vision of transforming IMK ‘Artha’ ITB into a community focused on learning and practice. “IMK is a practical laboratory. It’s okay to make mistakes because IMK is a place to learn and apply the knowledge we have,” said Herma during the hearing.
After the hearing, the event continued with a debate session involving panelists and the masses.
“If you were not selected, what would you do?” asked one of the panelist, Naufal Dhamiri Syifa, the chairman of the IMK ‘Artha’ 2022/2023 association.
“I will return to being a regular person and support the activities that IMK will carry out in the future,” Herma answered in response to a panelist’s question.
The session proceeded with a statement from Farhan Dzaky, a candidate for the IMK ‘Artha’ ITB senator. Farhan expressed his dissatisfaction with the performance of the IMK senatorial body over the past eight years, stating that it has fallen short of expectations. Farhan’s vision is to transform the IMK ‘Artha’ senatorial body into an inclusive platform, where all ideas and perspectives are valued, recognizing that everyone has their unique insights and contributions.
“How can we trust your friends in the senator?” asked Pieter Jose Santoso, the mass representative, during the question and answer session.
“The closeness between the masses and the senator must be improved, and the senator will also participate in all activities carried out by IMK,” Farhan replied.
The hearing and debate on the IMK ‘Artha’ ITB election went smoothly. This activity provides an opportunity for the IMK ‘Artha’ masses to learn more about the figure nominating himself as their leader in the BP and Senatorship Board of IMK ‘Artha’ ITB.
“The ‘Artha’ IMK election is an event for all of us, the masses of ‘Artha’ IMK ITB. Let’s remain committed and succeed in the ‘Artha’ IMK election,” said Regatta Kristanto, head of election management, concluding the hearing and debate on the association chairpersons and the candidate of Senator IMK ‘Artha’ ITB.