SBM ITB Alumni Association (IA-SBM ITB) held an Alumni Sharing Session in the 6th-floor auditorium of the Labtek XIX Freeport SBM ITB building Saturday (10/6). Three SBM ITB alumni: Ilham Nugraha (LPDP Scholarship Recipient), Ajie Santika (CMO & Co-Founder of Feedloop), and Bimo Wirafajar (Talent Acquisition of Telkomsel), attended the sharing session.
With the theme “Scholarship, Start-up & Career,” the sharing session was started by Ilham Nugraha, who shared an inspiring story about his journey to get an LPDP scholarship at Cornell University. LPDP is a prestigious scholarship program funding master or doctoral programs at leading universities worldwide. Ilham conveys a strong message that one’s background does not prevent one from achieving their dreams if one tries hard.
“Higher education and scholarships are not the ultimate goal; rather, they serve as the tools. The fervent aspiration is to rapidly and extensively disseminate the advantages they offer,” he expressed with great enthusiasm.
The second session was continued by Ajie Santika, who discussed the world of start-ups. Feedloop, a start-up being developed by Adjie, provides a low-code development platform to automate business operations and increase customer engagement for millions of users. Feedloop is developing Feedloop AI, a no-code platform for building GPT-based applications.
According to Ajie, being an entrepreneur has advantages, such as being independent and having the control, flexibility, and opportunity to create a legacy. However, there are also some disadvantages, such as financial risk, stress and pressure, uncertainty, and instability.
“Being an entrepreneur is not easy because it involves various challenges, but overcoming these challenges makes our lives more meaningful,” said Adjie, sharing his experiences and tips on building a start-up.
In the last session, Bimo Wirafajar shared the story of how he found his passion in the field of human resources even though he has an industrial engineering educational background. He decided to take the MBA program with a concentration in human resources at ITB.
He emphasized the importance of knowing yourself and understanding the desired corporate culture. By understanding these two things, it will be easier for someone to determine the type of job and company that suits their needs and desires.
This event provides students an opportunity to connect with successful alumni in their respective fields. The Head of IA-SBM ITB, Radeya Pranata, hopes that participants can expand their network and prepare themselves more thoroughly to achieve their desired careers through this event.
“We hope that through this event, participants can get closer to alumni who have experience in their respective fields, so they can form more relationships and better prepare to achieve the desired career,” he said, closing the event with great hope.