The ITB Entrepreneurship Student Association (IMK)’Artha’ General Election took place successfully on Friday (9/6) at the ITB Bandung Campus. To encourage student participation in exercising their voting rights, the election committee provided free ice cream vouchers to those who exercised their voting rights offline. This strategy proved successful as all entrepreneurship students exercise their voting rights in this election.

Zakaria Khori Hermawan was elected as Chairman of the IMK ‘Artha‘ ITB Association, while Muhammad Farhan Dzaky Haryanto was elected as the Chair of the IMK ‘Artha’ ITB Senator for 2023-2024.

The voting process is carried out through a paper voting system. Each election paper has a photo of each candidate and a blank photo representing the empty box election.

Besides being conducted offline, this election was also held online to facilitate the participation of students who could not be physically present. This step ensured that all ITB Entrepreneurship students had equal opportunities to participate in the selection process.

For the online elections, the committee provides a particular platform so students who cannot physically attend can vote through the online platform. This process is carried out by ensuring the security and integrity of the election so that the results obtained can be considered valid and representative.

Zakaria Khori Hermawan was elected Chairman of the IMK Association with 121 votes. While the empty box gets seven votes. Meanwhile, Muhammad Farhan Dzaky Haryanto was elected as Chairman of the IMK Senator with 103 votes, and an empty box received 24 votes.

It is hoped that with the selection of these two candidates, the management of IMK ‘Artha’ ITB can work solidly and dedicatedly to advance entrepreneurship at the university. In addition, it is hoped that they can play an active role in realizing the progress and welfare of students.

Written by Student Reporter (Fairuuz Fawwas Alfarizi T, Entrepreneurship 2024)