Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, MSME from the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, who also serves as the Acting Vice Dean for Resources for SBM ITB, impressed the audience with his oration entitled “Machine Health Monitoring (MHM)” in ITB Scientific Oration at the West Hall Building on Saturday (17/6).
The event was opened with a warm welcome by the chairman of the ITB professor’s forum, Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro, M.Sc., Ph.D. The event went solemnly by presenting three professors who have made many contributions to the world of education in their respective fields. They are Prof. Dr. Ir. Iwan Inrawan Wiratmadja, D.E.A. from the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yan Rizal, Dipl. Geol. from the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, MSME. from the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Hailed as an esteemed lecturer with numerous awards and 35 published papers, Professor Pulung, affectionately known as Pak Pulung, delivered a compelling speech on “Machine Health Monitoring (MHM).” During his oration, Prof. Pulung emphasized the significance of consistent and ongoing machine monitoring, asserting that it enables the early detection and resolution of potential damage symptoms. Repairs can be executed with greater precision, efficiency, and effectiveness by identifying the components prone to early deterioration.
Three objects were presented in his speech today: rotating machines, which he has developed since starting his doctoral program, structural health monitoring or monitoring of structural conditions, and muscle fatigue detection. Throughout his presentation, he said that he had successfully implemented machining condition monitoring (MHM) on rotating machines and was currently focusing on developing applications for monitoring structural health and detecting muscle fatigue. This development process involves collaboration with sports science and medical practitioners to achieve optimal results.
He ended his speech by singing a few verses of the song “Wind Beneath My Wings” by Bette Midler as an expression of his gratitude, followed by a statement on the code of honor as a professor. The event was closed with a prayer by Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Umar Fauzi after the signing of the Honor Code by the three professors who gave speeches today.